27. Blood Bath

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I followed the smell.

I'm close, I can tell.

I wanna yell out and see if they can hear me, but that means Laura will heat me too.

I wont get the jump on her if she knows I'm here.

I take a deep breath and look to the east, that's where I'll find them. And they're not far.

I look around and find the tallest tree I can and I start climbing it.

Maybe I'll see them from up high.

As I get to the top I look towards the east once again, and to my surprise the only one I can see is Colby.

Hes hurt. Badly.

I can still smell Tara and Laura in the area, hurt I cant see them.

"Psst. Hey Caroline."

I jumped a little as I heard the whisper.

I looked down a few branches and saw Mike standing below me.

"Mike what-"

"Colby took a vervain grenade to the face. Then Laura broke his neck. He'll wake up soon, probably in a lot of pain. Tara took care of Laura, I saw it with my own eyes." Mike explained.

"She ripped Laura's throat out. Her venom had Laura dead before she tore her apart though. It was a total blood bath."

"I can only see Colby. Where are the others?" I asked, jumping down closer to him.

"Jake came and got Tara and Laura's body. They're about 3 miles out right now. But the fight went down right where Colby is laying. That's why the smell of blood is so strong." Mike continued.

I'm gonna go find Sam, hes out here somewhere with Kat and Devyn. You go to Colby and help him out of here. I'll meet you back at home with the others." And with that Mike was gone.

I sat for a moment and just thought about the fact that Laura is gone. For good.

I really didn't want it to come to this.

I really wish she could've just let me live my life. She could've lived hers. We both could've just been happy.

I took a deep breath and shook my head.

Who am I kidding, this was always gonna happen in the end.

I climbed down out of the tree and ran to Colby.

When I got there he was still out like a light.

"Oh Colby. I'm so sorry." I knelt down next to him and rest my hand on his cheek. The vervain burning my skin a little.

I scooped him up in my arms, took a look around and then took off towards the city.

"We'll get you cleaned up soon Cole. I promise."

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