16. Protection

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I'm sitting at the towels by myself now, everyone went back to the water after getting their drinks, and its giving me time to think.

I'm gonna tell Jake and Tara the truth tonight.

They deserve it.

The risked everything to save me.

Even though I have no idea who made sure no one else paid any attention to us.

Wolves can't do that.

But they were the only two that came over to me.

Is there someone keeping watch on me? Should I be worried about that, or should I be grateful?

Who would it even be?

Oh, forget it. That's a question for another time.

I trusted Mike with my secret when he revealed his to protect me. Jake and Tara deserve the same treatment.

Next chance I get to speak with both of them I'm gonna tell them everything they need, or want to know about me.

I wasn't afraid of them, so hopefully they wont be afraid of me.

I know wolves and vamps aren't usually friends, but I have to try right?

Or maybe not?


"Penny for your thoughts?" Colby said as he sat down next to me.

"Tara and Jake just saved me life." I said.

"I know, I heard. What happened?" He asked me.

"Laura." I said simply.

"We havent been here that long? How did she find you?" He asked me.

"I think she's had her friends following me since she kicked me out. From the way she was talking, it's like she knew I would be here before I even knew." I explained.

"You're staying in my room then. No ifs, ands, or buts about it." He said like it was nothing.

"Colby, shes a demon. You're human. She'll over power you in a matter of seconds." I said shaking my head.

"I'm not putting you in a position to get hurt." I continued without making eye contact.

"You aren't forcing me into that position. It's my choice. And I wanna protect you. We all do. So you'll be staying with me until further notice." He said, and I finally looked up at him.

"She'll kill you." I said

"I'd like to see her try."

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