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There's no way.

There's no way, right?

He would never-

A twig snapped nearby, causing her to flinch, her hands flying up to clasp around her own mouth, desperate to remain silent.

She'd been on the run for what felt like hours now, after narrowly escaping from the Adeptus' room after she deceived him, saying she wouldn't leave if he left her unrestrained from her usual chains, that she just wanted to give her wrists some time to heal as she showed him both, covered purple and blue in various bruises.

He'd grown to trust her a little over her time in captivity. She had been smart about it, despite how badly she wanted to do otherwise.

Y/N had appealed to whatever he wanted, which started out innocent enough at first. Obeying purely to try and gain trust for that very moment. She had never displayed any desire to run, she had never disobeyed, so he had no worries.

But here and now, Y/N had wished she'd just remained dormant. Regret practically oozed from her being, silently cursing herself as she tried her best to keep quiet despite her erratic heartbeat and uneven breathing.

Her anxiety was through the roof, her skin damp with a cold sweat as she heard faint footsteps walking around the abandoned village she'd taken refuge in.

Do you know how hard it is to run from an Adeptus? Especially one with an Anemo vision?

It was a miracle she'd managed to even out-pace him as long as she had.

No, she actually wasn't. He was allowing her to stay just ahead of him.

The thrill of the hunt. He was enjoying chasing his prey, scaring and tormenting her until he inevitably grew bored and just captured her, no doubt returning her to that dreaded room where the handcuffs would never be removed again.

"Y/N~" Xiao sang her name with a smile in his voice, knowing she was somewhere within the broken buildings, just unsure of which one exactly.

The man was toying with her, and even she knew it. Every nerve ending in her body was on fire, screaming for her to run, to flee and never look back.

There was no way she could just stay where she was forever. Eventually, he would start searching houses one by one, and she'd be discovered. Her best bet would be to wait until he goes into one she isn't in, and try to sneak out while he wasn't looking.

Was it honestly worth even trying to run or hide? She didn't know the extent of his powers, of what he could possibly do. Obviously his speed was unmatched, impossible to outrun, but what about his hearing? Could he hear even the crunching of leaves beneath her feet if she attempted to slip out of the back of the house she was currently in?

The creak of old wood reached her ears, not close enough to be the exact house she was in, but it was definitely nearby.

Maybe she should just willingly be caught, maybe he would have mercy on her for giving in. At the least, he'd get less satisfaction from it.

Or just risk it all?

Try to get away.

She heard his booted foot-steps clunking against the hard wood floor of the other house nearby, more than likely looking around the debris for her.

It's now or never.

Thankfully her shoes weren't the type to make loud noises against the wood, allowing her to tip-toe out of the back door of the old house she was hiding in, being careful not to step on a twig and snap it or crunch any leaves as she tried to put some distance between her and the village.

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