Apocalyptic (AU Part 2)

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Although sharing a room with a ruthless gang leader meant she had to also share a bed with him, she grew used to it over time.

Thankfully, he never tried anything with her either, choosing to just stick to the usual testing and poking and prodding with needles and the like, never once explaining what he was doing or trying to figure out.

The days blurred together, all melting into one as she become accustomed to the cycle despite how cruel it was.

At least she was fed every day, clothed and allowed to bathe, right? That's more than some other people out in the wasteland could say, at least, considering they'd succumbed to the horrors out there while in this facility, Xiao kept her safe from the outside world.

Little did she know, she was just becoming numb to it all, clearly a defense mechanism and way for her mind to cope with her situation.

Despite more weeks passing by, the two still rarely spoke or knew anything about each other. He obviously wasn't a very chatty person, usually very sharp and harsh with the words he did choose to say, and she just wanted to be left alone as much as possible and suffer the least possible amount, so she refrained from speaking to him out of fear of repercussions if she accidentally provoked him.

It had become a regular thing for Xiao to be gone most days, leaving her alone in his room to do whatever boring things she could find to simply pass the time and continue disassociating with her surroundings.

His door had a complex keypad lock on it, also able to be set to only open with the key code, which he always made sure she couldn't possibly see over his shoulder whenever he entered or left.

So she had no chance of leaving, and no chance of anyone rescuing her either, which was a long faded thought in the back of her mind anyway. She'd eventually just accepted her fate of being subservient to the man for the rest of her years.

He'd discovered she enjoyed drawing one day when he found one of his old books all doodled and draw on, and couldn't bring to himself to admit she definitely had a talent for it. Without ever mentioning a word of it, she awoke one day to find a clean book and pens on a nearby desk, but she decided to not ask any questions and just accept the odd gift of some way to pass time.

As she doodled quietly one day, the sound of the door being opened snagged her attention, but she thought nothing of it and just assumed he was home early for the day, continuing her drawing quietly.

"We don't have much time, come on." A rushed voice reached her ears, instantly throwing up red flags as her head snapped up to meet unfamiliar eyes, confusion heavy in her gaze as she searched the girl's face.

"(Y/N), let's go! They'll be back any minute, come on! Do you know how much I'm risking by letting you out?"

Adrenaline finally kicking in, (Y/N) jumped to her feet, quickly realizing this was an escape attempt, and one she should definitely take.

But why would this girl risk her own hide for (Y/N)? They didn't even know each other... but the girl knew her name.

Deciding she didn't have time for questions, she simply followed behind her unknown savior quickly as the two headed out the room and down hallways as quickly as their legs could carry them.

"You need to leave this town as soon as possible, and don't ever come back. Don't come anywhere near here ever again. If he finds you..." She stopped at that, leaving that sentence open to interpretation, but both knew nothing good would obviously come out of it.

"This is it... now leave. Don't let them catch you again, okay? Good luck out there, (Y/N)."

Is this a trap? Is Xiao on the other end of this door? Was it all just a test to see if his mental conditioning of her was working or if she'd still betray him?

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