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"This is absurd- no. Absolutely not."

Y/N had expected as much. The price she was asking was far beyond steep. She didn't predict him to agree for even a moment.

"Xiao- please. I need you to understand-" She began to plead, only to be cut off sharply with a gaze that could slice through obsidian.

"Understand what? The fact that you want to sacrifice yourself for the greater good? Be some kind of martyr? How did you expect me to react?"

Y/N knew his anger wasn't directed at her; it was at the god-awful predicament they'd been thrown into.

In all their years together, she'd never seen him so angered by a situation, and they'd been through hell, both being Adepti.

He was always so gentle and patient, so kind, but now- his entire body was ridged, muscles tense, jaw clenched.

The girl awkwardly shifted her weight onto the other foot, exhaling deeply as she wracked her brain for the right words.

"As corny as it sounds... I am the only one who can do this. I have the power to save everyone here... Everything we've built here, Xiao. I can't let that all be for nothing. I'm the last of my bloodline, and the only one with a link to this demon... I'm sorry." Y/N explained, all while avoiding eye contact, knowing that was about to blow over like a ton of bricks.

"And you expect me to just accept that? Accept that the love of my life has to become a sacrifice?" Xiao shot back, already knowing she can't actually refute his statement.

Y/N crossed her arms firmly across her chest, giving him the most stern look she could muster at the moment.

No part of her could deny how terrified she was. What was death truly like? Would it just be an empty void? An eternal black abyss?

Eyes stinging with the threat of tears, she simply gazed on at him, knowing that if she spoke again, she'd show her fear.

"I can't lose you."

The words almost crushed her, her heart squeezing violently in her chest as her eyes took in his expression. Anger had long since vanished, now replaced by a look of pure desperation and sadness as he realized she wasn't asking him for permission to go through with it- she was telling him.

"There's a chance I'll wake up someday... It isn't the end, Xiao."

The ritual they'd planned to do needed the power of her death and her's alone due to her bloodline. She was the last living of the line she knew of, meaning it had to be her. A very powerful demon had been claiming the lives of mortals and other Adepti alike, having lost many friends over the past few months until they'd found a way.

Y/N's empathy knew no limit, and she had immediately agreed, as long as it meant no more bloodshed afterwards.

"And what if you don't wake up someday... what if this is our final goodbye?" His voice broke at the end of his sentence, causing a single tear to fall from Y/N's face as he did, clearly moved by his emotions.

"I wish there was another way but... I have to do this. Now, I have to go, and I understand if you don't want to be there, but this has to end."


What do you say at a time like this?

How do you comfort someone who's about to be sacrificed in a ritual to cleanse ancient and powerful demons for the greater good of man kind?

A fellow Adeptus was going to conduct the ritual, and as the time finally neared midnight- the only time to ritual could be completely correctly- everyone who attended was radio silent.

No one had the right words.

"This blade will draw your blood, and draw out your life force slowly. You'll feel no pain besides the cut. You will fall into a deep sleep, peacefully."

And you may or may not actually reawaken someday.

The ancient ritual was a risky one, one that only mentioned a select few sacrifices actually coming back to life after a time asleep. Some awoke months later, others- years, and some- never reopened their eyes. No one understood the differences or why some revived and others didn't, but it was always worth the risk for those who chose this path.

The demon couldn't be beaten another way.

Y/N simply nodded and maintained her silence, struggling to not let fear consume her as she thought about how alone and afraid she felt, how the only person she wanted by her side during a time like this was-

A hand firmly clasped her own, lacing their fingers between her's as she hurriedly raised her head to gaze into those familiar amber eyes, staring back so melancholy.

The girl had already been laid down on a table as the preparations came to a close, and Xiao had made it just in time.

"Are we ready to begin?"

After a moment of silence, Y/N finally nodded wordlessly, knowing if she spoke now, she'd break.

With a squeeze on Xiao's hand, she closed her eyes, praying an eternal darkness wasn't the only thing that awaited her on the other side.

A sharp stinging pain erupted in a warm and wet sensation down her arm, signaling the start of the ritual as she struggled to keep her body from shaking with fear.

Almost instantly, she began to feel weak, the feeling steadily growing stronger by the second as she felt her own consciousness fading, sounds getting fainter.

"I love you, always and forever."

His voice sounded so distant now, so distorted and far away.

"It's working! I can sense the demon's life force growing weaker as well!"

As long as everyone else is safe, I die with no regrets.

"You did it, baby. You did it..." She almost couldn't feel his forehead resting down against her chest, his tears staining her shirt as he choked back his sobs.

Oh how horrible it is to love something death can touch.

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