Sacrifice Pt. 2

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"Ah, sleep has taken you again, hm?"

Oh how that voice sent shivers down his spine.

Too bad it was just another dream. Better yet, another nightmare.

"I can't even escape you in my dreams, huh?" Xiao exhaled deeply as his golden eyes fixated on the familiar woman who was seated nonchalantly upon his dresser as if it was her throne, casually eating berries from a bowl she held as she taunted him.

This was an every time occurrence. Not that he needed to sleep often with being an Adeptus, but whenever he succumbed to it after countless restless nights, his mind couldn't help but remind him of his suffering, giving him no place to escape to.

"But don't you miss me? Wow, I die, and you just turn into this heartless Adeptus, devoid of all emotions? You think you'd be grateful to me for preserving my memory here." Her voice hitched as a smirk formed across her perfect lips, obviously enjoying harassing the man.

"You aren't Y/N." The raven-haired Adeptus simply stated, his voice staying low, displaying his obvious exhaustion.

This was a game his mind played with him over and over again.

The figure before him certainly looked like her, but despite how badly he wished it truly was her, he couldn't let himself get attached to a fake version of her.

The first time his mind had brought him to this place, he almost fell for it, but he knew as soon as he awoke to the real world again, the wound would just be reopened, the pain suffocating him all over again.

"You're dead. You're nothing more than my mind tormenting me any chance it gets." Xiao was gazing blankly down at his hands, his voice flat and emotionless, far beyond used to this façade.

"How gloomy of you. And what do you think the 'real' Y/N' thinks of what you've become? The hatred you now hold for those you both swore your lives to protect? How do you think I felt in my final moments? Do you understand the depth of fear I felt as I closed my eyes for the last time?" She spoke it so casually, now hanging upside down off the edge of his bed as she kicked her feet like a child.

"Shut up."

"Now I simply drift in an empty black abyss, all alone, much like the rest of your friends. Pity how we all end up dying on you, huh?" Her voice was cheerful, being sure to hit him where it hurts as she casually dug into him.

"Shut up!" The man shouted back, his fists clenching in his lap as he fought back tears.

"Isn't today actually the anniversary of my death? How awful that is for you."


Xiao jolted upright, his breath ragged as he felt a cold sweat covering his skin, quickly realizing he was back in the real world and out of his nightmare.

Slowly, he rested his face in his hands shakily, trying to steady his breathing and relax his heart rate.

"Fucking hell..."

After a few more moments, he exhaled deeply, deciding that there's no point in procrastinating as he got up to get dressed for his day.

Today was indeed the anniversary of the day the love of his life had sacrificed herself in a blood ritual to put an end to a demon who had been slaughtering many innocent human beings and Adepti alike.

It had been peaceful and relatively calm ever since, but Xiao could never find something to fill the hole in his heart that her death had created.

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