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Metal Sonic POV

"... Sonic?"

Project Shadow is a strange creature. He's the only one that refers to me by that name. I wonder if he's becoming defective?

Repairs complete.

I turn my attention to the machine next to me to read my stats. Upon confirming the repairs I began to disconnect the wires. Except the last one. I wonder... I began to search the database for everything on Project Shadow. There didn't seem to be anything of much interest until I came across a strange video file that was still in the trash bin files. I made a copy of it into my database before analyzing it. It was... Strange?

"I can't do this to Sonic..." Shadow seemed bothered and was arguing with Robotnik on the video about what I assumed to be Sonic in the Pod.

"This is nonsense, it doesn't matter what is going to happen to him. This is the only permanent solution." Robotnik argued.

Solution? What was the problem? I watched the rest with disinterest before moving on with my search. I came across a cloning file. It seems Robotnik was dabbling in something he was not quite familiar with.

Reading the data I concluded Robotnik was trying to find a way to clone Sonic as an effort to get rid of him, the prototypes were of old deteriorating DNA from his cousin. It seems he had no intention of keeping her around when he found out the DNA was too corroded to make a replica strong enough to survive. This must have been how he manipulated project Shadow.

I analyzed more data but as I began to open another video file there was an error. This file was encrypted? It seemed to be security footage from before Robotnik created me. I made a copy of the encrypted file and stored it into my database. Perhaps this will shed some light on Project Shadow's odd behavior. I will just need something to decrypt it. I gathered more of anything that pertained to Project Shadow, some of it seemed unnecessary but perhaps I will find something when I have more information.

I unplugged myself from the main database and went to find a new objective.

Shadow responded quite oddly to my small gesture. I wasn't sure why I had even done it. Something about it seemed necessary. Was it to invoke the response I got?

I watch as Project Shadow relaxed and let his guard down. Perhaps this was an advantage. I could use this against him during battle and complete my objective to exterminate Sonic the Hedgehog. 

Shadow's POV

"So that's it then. Did you ever really care about him?!" I was angered with Tails' response.

"Of course I care, look, I never said it was an easy adjustment, but we need him.-"

"We don't need an imposter, we could just as easily fought back and got the real Sonic back."

"You haven't even tried to talk to him, he may not be the exact same but he's still a living being. This is hard on everyone, even him. Especially since you won't stop reminding him that he's just a clone. Do you have any idea what that's doing to him?!" Tails became more accusatory and angry towards the end. I stopped to think for a moment, I never really considered how my constant rejection would affect him.

"It's not like he sees me that much anyway." I countered. How bad could it even be. Tails didn't answer, he simply glared. Clearly I've over stayed my welcome.

I left without another word. This didn't help me resolve anything, this only made everything harder. Why did I even bother?

As I walked home I came across that faker again. He offered a warm greeting, I didn't respond to him I simply stared at the emerald eyes I missed so much. My mood was dropping rapidly, I couldn't allow myself to stay. I tore my gaze away and tried to go around him but just as I passed, he caught my wrist.

"Shadow... We used to be really close... Why can't we go back to that?" His voice was just over a whisper.
"No, I was close with him, not you." With that I ripped my arm away from him and tried to keep walking.

"I'm still the same you know, maybe I don't have all the memories, everything else is the same. Don't you feel the same anymore?" He persisted.

"Get lost, hedgehog." I said harshly. I ignored anything he said after, I didn't need some fake, I just needed to move on.

Once I got back home I let my body fall into the bed. Everything felt heavy, the tightening in my throat made it harder to breath evenly. When will it get better? I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration as I scolded myself for letting my guard down like that.

I can't replace him... It didn't work with Maria, why would it work with Sonic? He would probably deteriorate anyway, just like Maria did when she came back... I shouldn't have ever chased after that hope. I should have stuck by Sonic, without wavering. Maybe then, he wouldn't have ever been captured...

I sat up and went over to where I hid the photo. I couldn't look at it, just holding it felt comforting. I thought back on what the fox boy had said.

We never replaced him, we just realized, even though he's different, he's still the same person on the inside. He still likes the same things, he still thinks the same way, and maybe I am being selfish but... It feels like he's Sonic. Maybe you don't understand that yet because you refuse to be around him.

I let out a sigh, I can't be angry with him. That was exactly how I felt when Maria had come back. I can't blame him for feeling that way. But Maria's clone deteriorated, how long until Sonic's clone does the same? I cant let myself get caught up in all this again. He's not the same.

I looked at the photo in my hands with a sad smile. Sonic was so difficult that day, even with how frustrating he was, I wish he was still here.

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