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Shadow POV

This seemed too easy, what's this about? I looked over at Metal Sonic, why would Robotnik send another machine after an ally?

I looked around at the damages annoyed. I can't get any peace today. Another rumble shook the ground, the robot that was just brought down, sprung to life with vengeance. I didn't have much time to react, I saw an arm coming at me but as I prepared to dodge, a second arm came up from under me. Dragging me through the debris and throwing me up in the air. I saw the first arm coming in for an attack but before impact I felt something grab me from behind, propelling me to the roof of my house.

I half expected Sonic, I wasn't sure how to react when I'd seen Metal Sonic was my savior. Was this another trick?

"Stand down. You are not following protocol." The robot's voice boomed. Metal seemed unfazed. Instead, he defiantly turned his back to the other robot, pulling me up to stand.

"You do not have my permission to die, Project Shadow." Metal said as he took off to attack the other machine. What is going on?

I don't have time for questions. I need to focus my attention on the current enemy instead. I leaped down to the ground, dodging each attack. I smash through another panel in the front and rip out some more wires.

As I come around to the main control panel I find out too late it was a trap. As I reach into the machine to disable it, smaller arms restraint me. I noticed the machine stops and there seems to be a ball of charging heat coming from inside the machine.

I quickly use chaos blast to get away but as I was climbing out another arm grabbed my foot. I almost lost enough balance to fall back inside but I resist enough to pull myself halfway out. Metal Sonic seemed to be trapped in this machines arm. He hasn't attacked since opening this panel. This was all a trap and he was part of it.

I managed to free myself but as I climbed out I felt something hit me from behind, a distant ringing in my ears. The air seemed to be taken straight out of my lungs. I hit the floor below and could feel nothing but pain everywhere, my vision had blurred, the world was spinning. I felt nauseated and as I tried to get up, my arms gave out below me. Everything burned with pain.

Metal POV

Enemy Detected.

I tore my way out of my restraints and without hesitation, tore through the front of the machine and finished what Project Shadow failed to do.

Once the main power supply was cut from it's generator, the machine dropped to the ground in a forceful thud. I looked over at Shadow to access the damage. He didn't seem too hurt on the outside. Mostly bruised. The impact from the explosion must have knocked him unconscious. His heart rate seemed normal enough, and he was breathing, I should leave him to investigate why things strayed from the plan. However, a new objective seemed to come up.

Protect Project Shadow.

I didn't understand this new objective. How did this fall into the plan. Wasn't I only to observe for a weakness?

Error... Objective cannot be overridden.

This is unexpected. I kneel down to pick up the hedgehog. I surveyed the area, perhaps this would not be a very safe resting area, considering this building was too compromised to be considered safe.

I began to walk without a destination.

Shadow POV

I awoke with a dull pain all over my body and pulsing on my head. I was surprised to see Metal Sonic, but, he looked like he had seen better days. What happened? Where are we? I looked around at the metal walls. There was empty storage areas and a hatch above. And what looked like was a ripped up cot that had seen better days at the other end of the room.

Quietly, I got up and noticed some tools scattered about the room. Metal was missing some body panels and part of an arm. Upon exploring, I found his arm in pieces on a shelf. I can't imagine that machine getting the better of him... But... I walked back over to metal Sonic. He seemed unresponsive. I nudged him aggressively but still nothing. Then I noticed something in his hand. A memory drive? I picked it up curiously. There was no way to check it's contents here. Maybe I should find that fox boy. But... What should I do with Metal Sonic? My anxiety start to kick in as the situation started to sink in.

Did he remember something? Is that why this happened? Frantically I began to check metal for any clues, but there was nothing to go off of.

"...Sonic?" I noticed a small blinking red light behind his neck. I leaned him forward and there was a dim light flashing. If I wanted to figure this out. I'd have to involve Tails and the others. I looked back up to the hatch on the ceiling, there was not way to climb up there, I'd have to get creative.

I looked back at Metal Sonic, wondering how I was going to drag him out of this place. Where ever here was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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