Chapter 8:friends Of The Past.

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Y/n woke up after his long night he looked over to the sleeping figure of his king, he slowly got up as to not wake her up. He kissed her cheek making her smile warming his heart. He fully stretched waking himself up before he left the room as to make her breakfast.

That was until a young squire had ran up to him with a panicked face. Y/n stopped him by holding his shoulders in place before lightly slapping him around the face.

Y/n:Calm yourself boy, what troubles you.

Squire:Sir! Another portal similar to yours has opened up near the port.

Y/n thought for a couple minutes about this until he turned back to the boy.

Y/n:Boy go tell Knight Mordred and get her to rally a search party.

Squire:What about the king, sir.

Y/n:They are currently asleep, do not disturb them.

Squire:Sir yes sir!!

The boy started running down the halls towards Mordreds room making Y/n realise somthing, what the fuck is he going to tell Mordred!

Y/n:Oh god...

Just thinking about how hard he'd get beaten by the Knight sent shivers down his spine. Shrugging this off he once again headed towards the kitchen thinking about what Food to make his king, opening the doors of the kitchen he saw the usual sight:Clean utensils, fully stocked cupboards and pantry, passed out Merlin with another girl next to him and lancelot and gawain hiding behind a table. Wait. Lancelot and gawain hiding behind a table...

Y/n:Ok guys what do you want?

They came out from behind the table straightening the clothes they had on before adressing y/n.

Gawain:Well y/n you see we-

Lancelot:We heard you banging the king!

Gawain punched his friend over the back of the head before turning back to Y/n with a huge blush and an embarrassed face.

Gawain:What we wanted to ask was *mumble*



Y/n:God just spit it out man!

Gawain:... How was it.


Y/n face palmed before ushering them in close, they got a bit closer then a bit closer before they were huddled together with Y/n's arms around their shoulders with.Y/n started speaking to them in a hushed voice.

Y/n:So basically...


He breathed in a bit before his grip tightened and he pulled back a bit.




He picked them up before throwing them out the window hearing their screams slowly fade away until a loud crash was heard along with a couple yells and a few horses, liking his handy work he started making breakfast for everyone while also tending to Merlin's and the woman's hangover. He had made for the round table omelettes with a side of toast and bacon while he made Mordred and Artoria pankakes with honey grapes a side of bacon and a mug of water.

He then did his usual rounds giving food to the knights getting thanks and praises for his cooking though he got no thanks from Gawain or Lancelot, though considering they were lying head over heels in the stables knocked out that was to be expected, he eventually got to Mordreds room so he hesitantly knocked on her door getting a shout and a couple of clangs from behind the door.

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