Chapter 9:Conflict

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*Y/n pov*

He's right there my dad, he's back. I step forward unconsciously before thinking again. He can't be. He died at the castle he must be...
Pulling out souledge I ready myself in my battle stance.

Y/n:You can't be my farther, he died at the castle.

Looking at them they've also gotten into battle stances ready to fight as well

Seig:You have souledge, YOU MUST BE DEFEATED!!

We stare each other down before commencing our fight.

*3rd pov*

The two knights ran at each other with swords raised, clashing in the middle the two released savage and swift blows breaking the ground below them and pushing the others back. Y/n ducked under a slash from seig's zweihander before kicking his chest sending him back a few feet, seig caught himself just in time to see Souledge being drilled into him.

Seig:I can't loose!!

Seig took his second stance before spinning souledge across himself blocking a strike from Y/n before hitting him and pushing him back.


After that he turned his back to Y/n shoving his sword into his gut trying to impale him, Y/n took the pain gritting his teeth before elbowing his sword into the ground surprising seig.
Y/n steped on the blade before jumping up kicking seig in the face sending him back, taking the opportunity Y/n grabbed him by the neck before slamming him into his own sword that was impaled into the ground beside him.

Y/n:Begone with you!!

Y/n jumped back before taking back up his stance letting seig recover.

Seig:I wish I didn't have to rellie on this power!

He powered up gaining a purple and blue glow with it mainly culminating around his arm creating a similar limb to nightmare. Taking up a familiar stance Y/n realised that the man in front of him may be his Farther.

Y/n:... Wait.

Seig:NO vile Curr!

He started slashing at Y/n with his usual combo before being surprised with the dodges Y/n was pulling off. Like he known them all his life.
Y/n got an idea to Finish this fight with out any more blood shed.

Y/n:Side swipe.

Just then Seig went for a side swipe that Y/n dodged angering Seig.

Y/n:double vertical.

Again Seig did just that with Y/n dodging it.

Y/n:Diaganol... Spin... Charge hit.

Again Seig did all those attacks with
Y/n dodging it with ease before he went for a punch feeling it connect with Y/n, looking up in shock Seig saw Y/n block his punch by grabbing it before bringing him closer.

Y/n:I know now, those moves. You're defiantly my farther.

Seig:No you're not!!!

He tried slashing a few more times only to be met with the same result,
Y/n grabbed him by the legs before flipping him over and stamping onto his back.

Y/n Search you're feelings farther you know it to be true.

Throwing him back Y/n readied himself charging up souledge for a final attack with Seig doing the same.
They glared at each other with rage.
Charging at each other they both are dead set on ending the fight right there and then even if one of them have to die. Just as they were about to clash a loud metal clang rang out throwing them both away and stunning them, looking up both of them saw both Taki and Sophia in their stances being the ones who blocked their attacks.

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