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Nov 14
Focal City
Mark and 38th Street

"This must have been quite a day for you!" Aqua-Sport said, nudging me with his elbow as his fellow vigilantes scoured the streets-looking for any trace of the Incredible Bulk. Petra, and Aqua-Sports powers still remained a sort of secret to me. Sonic had made her powers perfectly clear when I saw her standing one moment, and just a blur of motion the next. She was a speedster. And I mean I could guess from the name that Aqua-Sport had something to do with water-he had flown in on a surf board. The last member of the Hero Union who I had seen was still a mystery to me. Aqua-Sport had called him Pyro though, and it sounded like Pyro was short for pyrotechnics...maybe the guy could make things explode? I had been trying to keep cool around the supers, but honestly the fact that there were so many of them around me-using their powers, dropping me out of skies-it was kind of getting to me.
"Ya," I replied a little shakily to Aqua. There was silence for a moment before I spoke up again.
"Shouldn't you be...you know...helping find the guy?" I asked sheepishly, pulling my hair from its sloppy ponytail and putting it into a tighter one. Falling from the sky and almost getting hit by a flying truck can really do a number on a girls hair. Aqua shot me a flirty smirk-which made me blush furiously
"I'm helping by watching you, making sure your pretty face doesn't get into anymore trouble," if I was blushing before I was as red as a cherry now.
Did he just call me pretty?
"How did you and the other supers get to the ground?" I said quickly, hoping to change the subject. His eyebrows arched up, amused.
"You mean from when we were falling? Petra shadow teleported everyone but Guardian and I. He woke up a few seconds after we started falling. He really bounces back," I nodded, recalling how quickly he had recovered after getting knocked out by the Bulk. Both times.
"And you?" I asked.
"How did you get down?" it looked like he been waiting for me to ask, because instead of responding, he smirked and as he brought two fingers too his mouth and let out a loud whistle. Not even a moment later a blue surfboard appeared right in front of my nose.
"My baby never lets me down," he purred stroking the board. He looked at my shocked expression amused.
"You want to go for a spin," before I could respond, Petra floated down beside me.
"That'll have to wait. The enemy has disappeared, we have to return to headquarters and report to Shadow and the others," my eyes widened.
"There are more of you," I asked, shocked. It was impossible to believe that there were even more supers that were part of the union. Of course I should have known, one of the most gossiped supers were Angel-Guardian's rumored sister. So maybe it was just her and this 'Shadow' character. No feature on Petra's pale face changed except her violet eyes that narrowed.
"Your ignorance irritates me," she said coldly, almost sounding robotic. My face grew red. I have had it up to here with the supers snottiness.
"WELL SORRY FOR NOT BEING THE HEAD OF HERO UNIONS FAN-CLUB," I screamed, my hands balling into fists. A too familiar hand wrapped around my forearm.
"Petra, be nice," Guardian warned. Petra's eyes narrowed some more, clearly stating that he couldn't tell her what to do. That's when Aqua-Sport came in, leaning back on his surfboard with his one calm and flirty personality now full of disgust as he shot daggers at Petra with his eyes.
"I doubt nice is in her vocabulary," he snarled. Petra actually-for the first time-moved her other features as she clenched her fist and bit her cheek.
"Nobody asked you Dorkpedo," she growled, sounding like a human for once. I heard Sonic laughing at 'Dorkpedo'
"Good one!" she giggled. Petra actually let out something resembling a smirk, Aqua pushed back his dark hair, and Ghost sighed.
"Do not encourage them," she muttered to Sonic who just shrugged, clearly amused. Guardian looked around as a crowd of pedestrians gathered. He cleared his throat.
"People of Focal City! Do not worry about the damages caused today, the Hero Union will be sending a check personally to have it all fixed. Have a wonderful day, and be safe," the crowd around him cheered. Guardian leaned in to Petra.
"Shadows going to kill you for that," she whispered, referring to the promise of cash. If she really was upset about it, you couldn't tell. Her face a blank slate once again. Guardian shrugged.
"He'll deal with it, I'm taking the girl home," he stated plainly. Once I processed his words I started backing up.
"Unless you mean escorting me through public transit or hailing me a cab no you're not," Petra froze her stare on me again.
"Shadow may need her for questioning," she said in a hushed voice to Guardian, not removing her gaze from me. Pyro had made a reappearance, shaking his head.
"There would be too much press surrounding her...we wouldn't be able to..." he faded of, clearly expecting Petra to know exactly what he was talking about.
"Wouldn't be able to do what?" I challenged, walking closer to the boy. He looked a bit unsure as he examined me, his golden eyes subtly visible through his red goggles. Then something was grabbing me. Someone, to be particular. For the thousandth time that day I found myself in the arms of possibly the most irritating super in the entire city. I heard the cameras of far-off reporters and paparazzi set off as I angrily punched the Guardians chest. He laughed, before bending his knees and shooting off into the sky. I screamed and wrapped my arms around his neck hastily-of course loosening my grip drastically when I realized what I was doing.
"Let go!" I screamed. He looked at me with any amused twinkle in his navy eyes.
"Are you sure you want me to do that? We're rather high up," his mask couldn't hide his obvious hilarity with the situation. I bit my cheek.
"Fine. Just take me to Crescent Road. Okay?" I muttered defeated. I had enough, and if this super was so insisted on taking me home I was fine with getting there as soon as possible. The tips of his lips quirked up.
"What no exact address? It's like you don't trust me," his voice was drenched in mock-sadness.
"I don't. And can you please stop with the whole 'I'm a super awesome superhero who can woo any girl' thing? It's getting annoying," I watched his eyebrows go up.
"you think this is just an act?"
"I hope it is," I replied, looking down at the city. He didn't say anything after that, just continued to fly in the direction that I hoped was the right one.

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