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My face softened when she approached me and sanitized her hands, I gave her a quick nod and soft smile, she smiled back, she's so cute, God damnit what are you doing to me Y/n?

Right now: Sakusa:

"Ready to go?" Y/n asked me, and I nodded.

We walked to the Café in comfortable silence or so I thought, I don't know if they did though.

"Hey Sakusa-"



"Call me Kiyoomi"

"Oh okay, Kiyoomi, as I was saying we're are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and fine out"

"Hm" she replied

I found this Café close by and wanted to take them there, but until then I started talking to them about what they liked to do and stuff.

"So, Y/n how'd you get into soccer?"

"Hm, oh umm my brother kinda got me into it, one morning he was watching a soccer game, and I got interested and started going to his games kicking the soccer ball around while I was also watching, then I got on a team, that's really it, I've been playing ever since."

"What about you Kiyo- oh sorry I shouldn't have said that-."

A soft smile came to my face as I cut her off.

"No it's fine I really like that, N/n (your nickname)."

I saw her blush out the corner of my eye damn she so adorable my heart melts on the spot.

"Hm I like that name, N/n"

"How'd you get into Volleyball?"

"Komori, he got me into it, he dragged me to play with him one day and I fell in love, so same as you I've been playing ever since."

"Oh that's nice."

"Say Y/n what do you like to do in your free time?"

" I like to read sometimes, go out and walk around by myself, play video games, late night drives, and just listen to music and relax you know?"

As she said this my heart skipped a beat, almost all the things I liked to do, key word almost, minus the playing video games in loved to do all of those, wow I'm falling deeper in love with this girl, she surprises me everytime she talks to me.

"What about you Kiyo?"

"I like to listen to music, late night drives, cleaning obviously, can't have to many germs around the house *shivers*, I also like read a bit, and talking to you."

"Thanks, I like talking to you too, you're easier to talk to that I thought, you're really nice too and I like that."

She smiles and I take off my mask and smile back at them, she sees me doing this and she takes of theirs, I saw their face more clearly and couldn't help my blush.


I saw him take off his mask so i did the same thinking he was comfortable with it and I was right, man I've had feelings for him since first year it's insane that he's deciding to talk to me now, I'm really glad he is though.

We had finally made it to were he was talking me and it ended up being a small aesthetic Café, it was really cute and i really loved it, but before we went inside I took a wipe from my bag and grabbed the handel to the door knowing he didn't want to touch it because of germs, lol I think it's adorable, most people find it annoying but I think it's cute and I really don't mind it at all.

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