I Love you

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After making it home I went to check my emails and i noticed one for the Japanese national team, my heart started pounding and i called for the other 3 and they came into the room

"TOGA, SUNA, MIYA HERE NOW!" I heard them rushing to my room from the living room

"whats wrong Y/n" They all said

"I-I got an email about soccer for Japan" they all looked at you in shock

"What did it say?? they said

"I don't know i haven't opened it yet, love please open it for me" she nodded a walked over to the computer with Suna and Osamu following, she suddenly gasped and i turned around hand on my heart

"WHAT! What happened???" I asked scared

"Y/n YOU"RE ON THE TEAM!" They all said running up to me and tackling me in a group hug, tears started falling down my face, my dream had finally come true and I was with my family while it happened. I decided that we should celebrate so we went to get a cake, snacks and a shit ton of monsters, because at that point we were all addicts thanks to Suna and I.

We went to the store and got all our supplies and went to the field, one of our favorite places to go, besides the skate park as we pulled up at the front we parked our cars and sat on the blanket I had put there. I noticed that Himiko had gotten dressed extra nice tonight so i told her to sit on my car a pose so i could take a picture of her and she agreed, she took her pose and i smiled, i told her to turn around and face the front, i "took" the picture and told her to turn around

I could hear Samu and Rin gasp behind me as they see me bend down on one knee and pull a velvet box out of my bag, she turned around and I saw tears falling down her face, she walked away and went to her bag pulling out another velvet box, she opened it and to our surprise it too was a ring, I then gasped happy tears running down both of our faces until i broke our silent cries, as I was about to open my mouth she imediatley said yes

"YES" she said crying uncontrollably and excitement running through her body

"b-baby I-I haven't said anything" I said laugh crying

"R-Right sorry go on" she said laughing while tears fell down

"Himiko Toga, ever since I saw you at school one day, I couldn't help but want to get to know you, I was so happy to see that you were in my classes, I'm happy i got to know you and date you, you make me happy when I'm having a bad day, when Suna and Osamu are being assholes, when Tate tries to come at me even though im over that petty shit, I love you so much, and i promise to never break your heart, I promise to always get you food when you're not having a good day, to give you hugs and kisses when i get home from practice or whenever i go out, I promise to always love you no matter what, will you marry me?" I asked silent tears now falling down my face

"YES I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" she yelled, I got up of my knees and engulfed her in a hug and kiss, i then slipped the ring on her finger, she looked at it and gasped and continued

"Y/n, you basically said everything I wanted to say, even more perfect that I could have put, but to say the least, I don't like you... I love you more than words can ever describe, so will you too marry me?


"W-when did you have time to get this? How did you know I was looking at this??" she said surprised

"Mmmmm that's a secret im never willing to tell" I said and winked at her, she leaned in for another kiss, I went to get something out the back of my car and it was alcohol, i then took 4 cups and pored some into each cup, giving Rin and I less since we had to drive home. The night went on with laughing, drinking, and pure enjoyment.

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