Growing up to soon

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up pretty early today around 4am I guess my Insomnia got the best of me, so I made a cup of coffee and decided to do some homework, I then took a shower and went down stairs to make breakfast just a breakfast sandwich I put in the microwave to defrost.

After eating "breakfast" you decided to take a shower and text Omi hopping he was awake.

                                          Hey, Kiyo you awake?

Baby? Why are you up this late?
                                          Sorry, I'll leave you alone.

No, N/n it's fine I was just surprise that's all

Anyways back to my question, why are you up this early/late?
                               Well you see, it's my insomnia got to me tonight so i only got 3 hours of sleep, so I'm keeping myself busy, but why are you up this early/late Kiyo?

Ummm- next question.

Um I was doing homework.

                                            Want to face time?

Yea that's fine

                                                   I get to see that handsome face of yours, the one that won my heart.

And I get to see yours baby

                                              Sorry if you see my hair wet, I just took a shower and I'm having some coffee and breky😎 I'm also doing homework, look at us nerds 🤓, I can put my playlist on if you'd like.

Yea that's fine.

                                                    Kiyo? You ok?

Yea I'm fine just tired, that's all.

                                                    Well why don't you sleep? You're clearly tired and we have school in the morning, or we can skip and hang out just the 2 of us.

No it's okay I want to talk to you, I wanna hear your beautiful voice.

                                                   Alright fine.

                                                INCOMING FACETIME..
                                            ANSWER  OR  DECLINE

"Hey germ"

Uh- how does he sound so hot when he's tired 😩😩 yes show me that adams apple 😩😩😩

"Holy shit Omi how the fuck do you sound so hottt?"

"Getting bold now are we?"

"Whattt, come on you knew what you were getting into when you asked me out don't lie"

"Damn you got me there"

"Y/N YOU BITCH GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE AND CLEAN UP THIS MESS!" Your mom yelled as she just got home.

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