Love of my Life

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Timeskip to when you're graduating from college


Its been 3 years now, well 4 kinda? Since Rin and I got an apartment together, got out 1st cars, since I started playing soccer again, since i recovered from my depression, since i met the love of  my life Toga. But today Michele, Suna, Samu, Toga and I graduate college with our degrees and masters.

"alright you guys ready? We're graduating today how do you all feel?" you asked the 4 

"I'm happy no more homework, I finally get to play volleyball" Suna said

"I'm excited I get to start something fresh with you Y/n!" Toga said, and you walked up to her giving her a peck, you've been dating for about 3 years now


I went to go pick Toga up after school for our date, but I also had to drop Suna off at home since we still go together in 1 car but I hope she didn't mind that. i met her at the front of the school and we walked to my car

"Hey, you ready to go?" I asked her

"Yea, I'm all ready"

"Oh 1 thing, I have to drop Rin off at home like real quick so yea sorry about that"

"Oh no worries, I'd actually like to see your home!" she said determination in her eyes making me giggle

"Oh sure :)" i said giving her a smile

As we walked towards the car I told Rin to sit in the backseat so Toga could sit in the front with me, and to say the least he got mad, but I didn't care and I told Toga not to worry about it. We started driving and soon made it to the apartment and i bid him goodbye, and told him i would be back in a few hours or so

"Alright Rin we're here, don't forget to feed the cats, I'll be home in a bi-"

"Is it okay if we go inside N/n!, I'd love to see your apartment"

"Sure, if that's what you want" You said smiling at her and she nodded in response, so you parked the car and turned it off, you got out grabbed your bag and quickly went to the other side to open the door for her and she got out thanking you. You guys made your way to the door, Suna unlocked it and you went inside taking your shoes off

"Well Love this is home" You said as Belladonna walked up to you and jumping in your arms and licking you

"Oh my god she's precious, can I pet her?" she asked with a big smile

"yea she's really friendly" you said handing her the cat

"Here lets go to my room, but do you want anything to drink?"

"yes please, I'll have another one of those monsters" I started giggling knowing i had gotten her addicted 

"What don't laugh its just really good! And I may or may not have bought some yesterday, anyways not the point, it's your fault you got me addicted" She said giggling 

"I know that's why im laughing, and hey its also Rins fault" you said pointing at him

"What! She's your girlfriend!" he said yelling from his room

"But she asked you for a sip and you willingly gave it to her so HA, and shes not my girlfriend YET"

"YA WHAT SHE SA- wait "yet" she said a blush rising to her face

"yet" I said winking at her making her blush even more

As i grabbed the 2 drinks I grabbed an extra one from the fridge and gave it to Rin and he thanked me, she followed me to my room and her face instantly lit up

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