chapter 1

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Morro took a walk. He went to a spot he much enjoyed going to in the forest. A little clearing with a single tree in the center. The ninja climbed it and sat on a branch.
The branch Morro was sitting on snapped and broke.
"Aah!" Morro was distracted and fell to the ground.
"Oww....! What--" Morro looked to his left. No one there.
"This sucks." He told himself.

Out of nowhere, laughter, one like a child's.
"What..." Morro sat up.
He stood up and used his air slash move behind him.
"No one there. What am I... Who is..?" Morro spun around.

"Morro? Come in. We have a mission." Lloyd's voice said through the communicator.

"I'll be on my way." Morro said.

. . .

The ocean was brightly lit by the rising sun on the horizon. Six elemental dragons flew in formation over the water, green, sage, icy blue, charcoal, blue and red. On the dragons, the riders, the ninja who created the dragons through their power. Each with a black gi, a octagonal centre point with their symbol, and accents and belts coordinating with the ninja's colour.

The red dragon, the fire dragon sped up and passed the front.
"Ahahaha!" Kai laughed, spinning in the air.
"Getting ahead of yourself, Kai? Heh. I'm leading this charge." Lloyd exclaimed, as the red ninja flew upside down above Lloyd.

Lloyd pulled the reins on his dragon down and sped up, flying past Kai. Lloyd's dragon splashed the water with it's wing, spraying it onto Kai.
"Aah!!" Kai shouted, covering his head.

"HAHA! That's one way to cool down a hot head!" Jay exclaimed, keeping his dragon steady.
"Hey, no one messes up my hair!" Kai shouted. He raced off and dived down by the water, making it plash up and onto the others.

Zane spat out the water that flew into his mouth.
"You okay there, Zane?" Cole laughed.
"Affirmative. It'll take more than a little water to take me out." Zane smiled.
"Morro!" Jay called.

The wind ninja was kneeling on his dragon, for he didn't like sitting down on the dragon, his eyes fixated on the water.
"Hello? Lightning to wind!" Jay called.
"Sorry, what?" Morro asked.
"You're spaced out. We don't want you to fall in the water now." Zane said.
"Oh, sorry." Morro gripped the reins of his dragon tighter.

"We'll we got something big now! Incoming!" Jay shouted, pointing back. A large fish was jumping out if the water to the ninja.
"Oh no!" Zane yelled. Luckily, the ninja were able to speed up and dodge. The fish dove back under water and crashed after the ninja.

"There he blows!" Cole shouted.
"Based on its weight and size, this is the mutant Fangfish terrorising the coastal village and depleting their food source." Pixal analysed for Zane.

"Pixal says this is the one." Zane informed.
"And now that he's taken the bait, let's reel him in and get him to the aquarium." Lloyd pointed forwards. The ninja changed directions and flew along the water.

"Let me guess, Kai. You caught one that big once?" Jay joked.
"Heck no. He was twice the size." Kai grinned. The fangfish leaped at Kai. "Whoa!"

"Well, it's definitely smaller than your ego, Kai." Morro teased, passing by.
"The way it jumped for him, I'd say that fish is as hungry as Cole!" Jay laughed.
"And twice as ugly as you, Jay." Cole replied, laughing at Jay.

"It's time for the catch of the day!" Lloyd yelled, pointing to an oncoming boat.
"In line formation!"

The ninja merged into one line, getting the fangfish to follow.
"It's right behind us!" Cole exclaimed.
"Then, speed up!" Morro yelled.
"Right!" Lloyd flew faster, letting the whole group to quicken. Lloyd looked back.
"Now!" He shouted. The ninja split up, as the fangfish jumped into the boat.

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