chapter 14

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Ronin was back in Stiix, he turned back to his pawn shop. Entering, he found it decorated by Bansah and Soul Archer. Ronin walked in and the door closed behind him by Ghoultar.

"Heh, I like what you've done with the place. Pretty gusty making your hideout right here in Stiix. With this much water, they'd never come looking for you here." Ronin said, handing the sword to Soul Archer. The ghost inspected it. The real blade.

"Kid." Soul Archer said. Neran raised his head from sitting near the wall. Ronin took notice of the young boy sitting with an awake, but exhausted Morro. He would barely have strength to walk here.

Soul Archer threw the sword to Neran, the boy catching it with his left hand.
"Are you ever going to say--" Neran caught the sword.
"Never mind." He said.

"Does he still have the scroll?" Bansha asked. Neran looked at Morro.
"Like he'd ever get rid of one." Neran took the scroll of airjitzu out of Morro's sling bag he carried around. Laying it on a table, the backside of the scroll held a map of Ninjago. Neran switched his grip to back hand and stabbed the blade in the wood.

Slowly on the blade, the mark on where the tomb is placed showed up in the reflection of the sword. At the West coast of Ninjago, in the ocean. Morro propped himself up a bit to see. The ghosts raised their weapons at him. Being in a weakened state, Morro wouldn't dare move any more.

"Now what about my soul? The deal was you'd remove the curse and free me." Ronin said.
"You can have your soul, but the deal has changed. I want the ninja too." Soul Archer said.

"What?!" Ronin, Neran and Morro all exclaimed.
"Whoa, now hold on. A deal's a deal but what so you care about the ninja? I thought you said you weren't afraid of them." Ronin said.
"I'm not. But our Preeminent requires certain...safeguards." Soul Archer said Bansha and Ghoultar laughed.

"Forget it. I'll keep my cursed soul. The sword's one thing but my friends are another." Ronin said.
"Since when do you have friends?" Bansha insulted, making Ronin turn to the door. Ghoultar grabbed his shoulder.
"Hey--" Neran got cut off.
"This isn't your place to speak, child." Soul Archer said.

Neran stepped back.
"You're not going anywhere, Ronin. We still have a need for you. The Realm Crystal belongs to us." Soul Archer said.
"No, you leave him out of this." Morro said, sounding out of breath.
"I don't care for him much. But you've used him enough."

"M-Morro." Neran said, turning to the ninja. Morro grabbed Neran's left hand. The ghosts turned to Neran.
"Kid." Soul Archer called. Neran froze. Morro narrowed his gaze. This angered him. What is Neran doing?
"Why can't you chose?" Morro whispered.

"We have a task for you." Soul Archer said. Morro let go of Neran's hand as the ghost turned around.

. . .


Well, he obviously took the sword to the ghosts!" Jay shouted. They all gathered in the tea shop after... The incident.
"But where are they? Anywhere in Ninjago..." Zane said.
"Look, Nya, I know you're not a ninja yet, but if you're gonna be one of us--" Cole started.
"I'm sorry. I should've told you when I first suspected Ronin would steal it." Nya protested.
"Enough! We all knew the path to save our faimly was never going to be a straight line." Wu intercepted.
"We were all fooled by Ronin, but that doesn't make us fools. At a time like this, we mustn't butt heads, but put our heads together." Wu said.
"I'm sorry. You said butt heads." Jay giggled.

Everyone stared at Jay.

The falcon cried out and started to project a message. Everyone stepped back. It was Ronin.

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