chapter 6

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"Remember. I'm in charge. We're not stealing the scroll, we're retunung it to the library after we learn airjitzu." Jay said as the ninja crept up onto a roof.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Cole said.
"And we're ninja. Let's keep it quiet." Jay added. The others nodded.
"Ninja-go...." They whispered.
"Og-ajnin." Zane said.

Things were going well until on one roof, Jay fell through.
"AHH! Get out of here, you blue pervert!" A lady screamed. Jay climbed up.
"Let's try to be a little more quiet this time? Last time I checked, we're ninja." Jay said again. The others rolled their eyes.

. . .

Ronin was minding his own business. He set down the vase with a suspicious looking scroll in it. He sighed and walked over to the window. Ronin jumped in his head as a green arrow pointed at his face.
"Soul Archer. Heh, I thought I'd have a little more time." Ronin backed up
"I'm a little short."

"I'll return for your debt later. For now, I came for something else." Soul Archer said.
"If this is about our kast-- Oh!!" Ronin backed into Morro, who snuck behind him.

"Oh, Morro." Ronin said.
"You're friends were just here. Hey, where's Lloyd, by the way?" The thief asked.
"Save the casuals, Ronin. Where's the scroll of airjitzu?" Morro asked.
"The scroll of who-what-tzu?" Ronin said.
"Love the honor, a little digued up, I'll make you a fair offer." Ronin said.

Morro grabbed Ronin's clothes and pinned him against the wall.
"Argh! Wow, that's new from you." Ronin said.
"Just tell me where the scroll is, I'll leave right away." Morro said.
"I'll tell you what I told the others, it's not here, but I'll trade it for... Five hundred?..." Ronin said.

Faint sounds of Jay, and it was definetly Jay, from the roof. Ronin was about to scream when Neran placed a spare towel he found on the counter over Ronin's mouth to keep him quiet.
"We should wait for them to find it first." Neran suggested.

Soul Archer agreed and gestured to a room to the side. Morro folded Ronin's arms behind him and pushed him to the room. He found some rope and tied Ronin's hands back. Neran then taped Ronin's mouth shut.

Glass shattered.
"Great. Now we're already on the hook for breaking and entering." Cole said to the others.

I don't like sneaking around in the dark any more than you do, so let's just find the scroll and get out of here." Kai said.

"Hey, when you guys were leaders, you never heard me complain!" Jay whisper shouted as he scanned the shelves.
"And if you don't like sneaking around, why become a ninja?" Jay spotted the vase that Ronin was holding earlier.
"And leave no stone unturned." Jay picked up the vase to look under it.

"The faster we can find the scroll, the faster that we can learn the next clue that will lead us to the tomb. Then we'll slap some some sense into Morro, find whatever is in that tomb, and... I dunno what's after that." Jay said.

"I thought you said he could make a deal with him." Morro whispered.
"Well, I was wrong, I guess. Not all ghosts know each other." Neran whispered back.
"Yeah, youre just a kid." Morro said.

"I'm the same age as you!"

"What age is that?"

"..." Neran was stumped there. Soul Archer stealthily walked through the door and followed Jay.
"Oh, now I know, we'll wake up Lloyd and save the day, all because of me." Jay pulled a cloth off an organ.

"Ah, I found it!" Cole exclaimed.
"You found the scroll?" Jay asked.
"No, but I found my fathers trophy, I'm taking it back. He danced hard for this." Cole picked up the blade cup.

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