chapter 7

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Nya stared at the bamboo faucet infront of her face as it slowly dripped water.
"Concentrate. Focus on reversing the flow." Wu said.
"Become the water, Nya. Embrace it. You can control it. Become the Water Ninja."

Wu gasped and sighed. Nya placed her hand under the drip to stop it.
"I'm not the Water Ninja. I'm a Samurai. I'm afraid my friends are in trouble, and I won't be there to help!" Nya exclaimed, turning around to sit on the stone that held up to faucet.
"We don't even know for sure if I have the power, so if everyone is waiting for me to discover I'm some sort of Water Ninja--" Nya threw her hands back, the water moving with her.
"maybe we've got a problem." Nya finished.

"And maybe we have an even bigger one." Misako called for Wu and Nya. She lead them back to the tea shop where a strange man with stubble on his chin, an eye-patch and strange leather armor. He had a red kasa on his head.
"Your first problem is the opening of a tea shop in the middle of a dry season. Water's at a premium. Then there's the name. Steep Wisdom? Ugh. More like Steep Debt. I mean, heh, where are the customers?" The man asked.

"Who is this strange fellow?" Wu inquired.
"You need to have a name with pizzazz, like Curiosi-tea! Or Shake Your Boo-Tea! Heh! These are just off the top of my head. This place is a cluttered mess." The man fiddled with the orders book. Misako shut it as she walked up to him.
"Excuse me, but if you're not a customer, what are you doing in our shop?" Misako asked.

"You mean my shop." The man said. Wu tilted his head in confusion.
"Oh, right. They never told you. Name's Ronin. And since I'm now effectually the majority shareholder, I'm your new business partner." Ronin said. The three gasped.

"Yeah, the Ninja kinda lost the scroll of who-what-tzu to their own teammate, I bailed them out in exchange for their shares in the tea shop." Ronin explained.
"Since they destroyed my pawn shop, I thought it was a fair trade until I saw this sorry place. Ah." He sighed.

"Morro beat them to the scroll after all." Nya sighed.
"If they didn't get it, they'll never be able to follow the rest of the clues to the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master." Misako said.
"Hey, what's back here?" Ronin walked behind the counter.
"That is off limits. Even to supposed business partners." Wu said. Ronin shrugged it off and opened the door.

"Oh." He said as he found Lloyd sleeping there. Ronin shut the door.
"So that's where he is."

"Argh! Let me go after them! They need me now more than ever!" Nya exclaimed.
"Calm down, they'll be fine. I told them another possible way they could get it. Don't you know in life, there's always second chances." Ronin said.
"What do you mean another way?" Wu asked.

"What? No one ever told you about Yang's Haunted Temple?"

. . .

And at the temple they were. A three storied Japanese style temple with shut off windows, red scratched walls and ancient architecture.... Was now an attraction.

"Welcome to Yang's Haunted Temple, the historical landmark and former home of Sensei Yang, the notorious sensei without a pupil, infamous for creating the lost martial art of Airjitzu." The tour guide said as she lead a group near the building.
"Unfortunately, we can't take our tour groups inside, for rumors say anyone trapped inside its walls at sunrise, will be turned into a Ghost permanently." She warned.
"But, if you listen closely, maybe we'll be able to hear the Ghost of Sensei Yang himself looking for his lost pupils." The lady waved her hands around. The crowd gasped.

"Ah, sorry about my loud friend. He's a little hard of hearing." Cole placed his hand on Zane's shoulder.
"Known for his un--" The tour guide cleared her throat.
"--usual teaching methods ..." She went on.

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