chapter 8

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"Thank you for coming back to steep wisdom." Misako said as she handed an order to a customer.
"Here's a little something extra." She gave the man a small bag as thanks. The man bowed and walked to the door.

"Woah, woah, were a business, not a charity!" Ronin exclaimed, taking the extra bag away from the man.
"We're here to make money, not friends!"

The man turned back to Misako.
"Uh, thanks and, come again." She waved.
"I hope."

Nya stared at her reflection in the pond behind the shop. She got frustrated and hit the water, making the reflextuon all messy.
"I'm not quitting! I'm just taking a break!" Nya shouted as Ronin approached.
"You have to get me out of here!" Nya pleaded.

"I thought you can't go until your training is done." Ronin said.
"Besides, I have a business to run." He added.
"If I'm gonna help the ninja, it's gonna be as Samurai X!" Nya exclaimed.
"Take the bounty." Ronin suggested. Nya caused her brow.
Oh, I see. Don't wanna bring too much attention. Wu's my partner, I'd never do anything behind his back!" Ronin exclaimed.

Nya pulled out a sac of coins.

"I'll take you right after we close." Ronin said. Nya smiled. A girl bribing a man. Nice.

. . .

"Ah. All right, so there's no way out of the Haunted Temple, but at least all the commotion's died down." Jay sighed as he paced around the room they first gathered in.
"Yeah, we just gotta get through the night together. Show Yang we're not scared." Kai clenched his fist. The clock chimed again. The four jumped.
"It's just a clock." Cole said.
"We're not afraid of time, but we are afraid of not getting outta here in time. Oh my gosh, why did we spend the night in a haunted temple?!" Cole shouted.

"Zane's right. What are we doing? We need to toughen up. We're ninja!" Cole thrusted his hand up.
"We already missed out on the Airjitzu the first time, we can't let this opportunity pass." He finished.

"Uh, guys?" Kai asked. He spotted a strange painting of the sea that seemed to be moving.
"Are paintings supposed to move?" Kai asked, his voice wavering. Jay tapped his hand in the frame. Water started to spill out.

"Why would you touch the scary picture, JAY?!" Cole shouted.
"I didn't know it would do that, COLE!" Jay shouted back. Clearly, Jay hasn't seen Narnia. Kai ran to the door.

The room started to fill with water.
"It's locked!" Kai shouted, pulling the door nob.

"As iron sharpens iron, sensei sharpens student."

There it is again. Yang's voice and stupid saying.
"Oh, great, back for round two." Jay folded over.
"Water. I'm afraid of...water." Kai started hyperventilating.
"We're all gonna drown!" He pulled on the door harder.

"It's all in your head, Kai. He's trying to scare us out so we don't get Airjitzu." Jay said as he held onto a floating table. The water was half way up the room. Cole resurfaced from the water.
"I dunno, tastes poetry real to me." Cole said.

"WHERE'S KAI?!" Zane shouted. The three looked around the room. Kai was still underwater, pulling at the door. Eventually, he got it open and they four came flooding out, along with the water.

"Well, that wasn't refreshing." Kai said.
"First the haunting, then water. What's next?" The black ninja exclaimed.
"That's it. He is testing us. Don't you see, Cole's afraid of Ghosts, and Kai's afraid of water!" Jay concluded.
"As iron sharpens iron, Sensei sharpens student. He's making us face our fears." Kai said.
"Which means whatever he throws at us next, we have to face together." Cole said.
"And this time, no running away."

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