i love you

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this is my favourite song and it plays a big part in my life altogether.

this story is gonna hopefully be the best yet.

lmk what you think in the comments :))


y/n was in five's room. he was reading a book to her.

y/n was paying full attention.

five's voice seemed to soothe her and make her feel like she's safe.

five always made her feel safe.

especially on missions. she hasn't fully gotten used to her power so she makes a few mistakes but five always helps her.

five looked up from the book. "you okay, y/n?" he softly asks.

he noticed she was unusually quiet and she had a sad face.

y/n looks up at him. "yeah, just really enjoying the book." she gives a faint smile.

five isn't buying it. "I can tell something is bothering you. what is it?" he questions putting the book down and leaning forward slightly.

y/n stays silent as her eyes glaze over.

five instantly pulls her into a hug.

y/n hugs back and a tear runs down her face.

"what's wrong?" five is becoming worried.

y/n snivels. "dad is banning me from going on missions and I have limited time to spend with you."

five's face quickly became frustrated. "what? why?" he pulls from the hug.

"apparently my powers aren't sustainable and he doesn't like how close we are." a few more tears drop from y/n's face.

"that's bullshit." five exclaims.

y/n is silent. five's eyes begin to glaze over out of anger and sadness.

y/n exhales. she hates seeing five upset.

"it's okay five. we can still talk. we aren't gonna be separated forever."

"it's not okay y/n! he thinks I'm doing something to your powers." five says something he's not supposed to.

"what do you mean?" y/n questions with her brows furrowed.

"he said that my powers weaken your's or makes your's uncontrollable." five carries on.

"and he never told me? you never told me?" y/n is beginning to become more upset.

"five, what if my power has an effect on your's? I could kill you! you should have told me!" y/n is now visibly angry.

she doesn't want to hurt five.

five stays silent and fiddles with his fingers.

"so what? you were just gonna let me be a risk? five i don't want to hurt you! I'm sorry but i just love you so much and i can't be the one responsible for your death."

"i'm sorry." five mumbles, a tear slowly making it's way down his face.

"I just can't keep away from you. I would die just to be around you." he confesses looking up from his fingers.

"well, I don't want you to die. if I killed you, I would scold myself forever. telling myself how bad I fucked up. five hargreeves. i will not let you die even if it means i have to sacrifice our time together." y/n says through her teeth, frustrated, but deep down she is really sad.

five looks her in the eyes and walks up to her. "y/n, I will not sacrifice our time together. if I die then I will die knowing that no matter what I will always love you. we do not have to distance because of our powers."

"we aren't safe around each other five. I can't risk you dying. I'm sorry five." y/n begins to walk out of the room.

five grabs her hand. she looks at him as he pulls her back.

he stares into her eyes. he smashes his lips into hers as the space around them begins glowing a blue colour.

five and y/n are in a blue orb of energy. their powers are clashing.

y/n melts into the kiss not caring that they could both be dying.

they pull away and the blue orb fades. they look around them.

they look back at each other and smile.

"i love you." five holds y/n's hands.

"i love you too." she says back with a tight grip on his hands.

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