Chapter 4

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A/N The choices from last chapter was the first major choices that affect the way the book goes

Very badly written fight scene

Go Show off: 2

Stay back: 0

(these were taken during the day the last chapter had been published so may not be accurate if you are a future reader)

Henry's POV

I hesitated for a moment before nodding my head
     "Won't do any harm to see what I can do cause I'm not fully sure on everything too" I decided
     "That's good to hear, let's head out to the training yard, Ya coming Charlie?" the General asked
     "Heck yeah!" Charles fist-pumped the air but was given a scolding glare from the general for his choice of words

W walked out of the room and headed down the corridor towards one of the many doors leading outside
     "Henry, we will leave you now, just stay in that room ahead," Galeforce told me, going another way with a confused Charles
     "Ok, that was weird" I muttered to myself, walking through the doors. The room seemed to be a fairly large room with barely anything inside it besides what seemed to be a few practice dummies "I guess this is the training room" I thought, deciding to sit in the middle with my senses on high alert, being suspicious about the General's actions.

After what felt like forever, I started dozing, only for a large bang to be heard and a bullet grazing the air right next to me. I jumped up and looked around for the source of the bullet, to no success. Another bullet, more accurate this time, was shot with me narrowly dodging it.
     "Alright, who thinks it's funny to shoot at me?" I shouted, reading my cybernetic hands with a laser blast "I won't hold back" I finished, turning in circles to make sure nobody was hiding.

I heard another gunshot, this time I caught the bullet and threw it towards the way it came with my normal hand, my attitude going from peaceful to annoy to mad
     "This isn't funny" I called out. Just as those words left my mouth, something moved out of the corner out of my eye, out of reflex I shot a laser and flew/charged at the figure, only to see it was a dummy "huh" I shrugged, stopping myself from attacking the already incinerated dummy.

When I was being attacked, not much was new. I could fly (knew that,) shoot lasers (knew that,) change my cybernetic hand to a weapon (knew that) and punch through (or at least give a decent dint) to quite a few materials like metal and wood.

After what seemed forever, the attacks finally stopped allowing me to catch my breath. I heard the door open and saw the General slowly clapping with a worried looking Charles beside him
     "That was quite a show, Henry, I guess I underestimated how much stronger you were" he complimented, but it seemed like he was hinting that I was weak without the upgrades
     "Thanks, I guess, but why didn't you give any warning?" I asked a bit enraged that he thought he could just attack me
     "If you knew it was a test, you wouldn't have performed as well," Galeforce told me, making me 'oh' in realisation.
     "Sorry about that Henry, I wasn't allowed to warn you about that" Charles muttered to me
     "It's fine Charles, you didn't have a choice if you could tell me or not," I told him, putting my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

??? POV

(My first POV change, nice)

I tapped my foot impatiently just as I heard the nearby door open, letting in a small amount of light in my dark office
     "You either need to go to sleep or turn a light on in here boss," the entering person told me which I just waved off, leaning back in my chair at a dangerous angle
     "Yeah yeah, what news do you have?" I asked
     "Well what I found is that, he's alive, should we proceed to start the plan?" they asked
     "Very good, and yes, we can start this plan" I smirked

A/N: The choices for this chapter for Henry are

Hang out with Charles
Hang out by himself
Wonder around the base

Tell me what you think he should do

Who do you think the ??? person is?

Sorry about the delayed update, but here you go

740 words

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