Chapter 9

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A/N I actually got the motivation to write in the hour I had spare, nice

And I got Among Us vibes from this chapter XD

Also, remember when I said Henry doesn't remember the timelines and fails, scratch that, I'm including the idea
So basically, he knows about the timelines and all that but doesn't know what happens in each timeline, he only knows the fails from his timeline too


Tell the General: 3

Say nothing: 0

Henry's POV

The general's look at me make me start to sweat anxiously
"We found this earlier on our way out but I just assumed it was just from someone hitting their knee badly or something like that so we left it" I explained before quickly adding "We were going to tell someone when we return though" in case the General thought we did something
"I can back him up General, he was with me," Charles told him.

Galeforce seemed to think for a minute, just as a soldier came back with what seemed to be a piece of material
"General, we found this caught on the door" they explained
Everything would have been fine, but it wasn't, the material was a dark shade of blue, like the colour of the jumper Charles gave me, and with all that climbing through the trees, the jumper got a bit torn
"Care to explain yourself again Stickmin?" Galeforce said in a threatening tone
"I swear to the fucking timelines that it wasn't me" I yelled, the General was taken aback by my tone and choice of words
"Even if that is the case, clues are pointing to you at the moment, you aren't allowed to leave your room until you're cleared and if you ever leave, someone must always be with you. Charlie, take him back to his room" the General ordered.

I was about to protest but the pleading look in Charles' eyes stopped me, I don't know why but I was almost instantly calmed when I met his gaze
"Fiiine" I groaned, allowing myself to be guided away from the scene.


I laid on my bed for what felt like hours, and for once my sense of time was correct. Charles came in occasionally but it was quite boring just being stuck in my room. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and there was no entertainment in my room at all so the only thing I could do was stare at a wall or the ceiling for the whole time.

When it was starting to become nightfall, Charles came in
     "Sorry that I haven't been around much, the General doesn't want me hanging around you while you're suspected of having something to do with Rupert's disappearance" he apologised, then held up what seemed to be an iPad "Wanna watch a movie?" he asked with a grin which I responded to with a shrug, patting the spot next to my bed for him to sit.

We ended up watching Lord of the Rings, by the time we finished the 3 movies, Charles had fallen asleep on my lap, softly snoring and occasionally saying "this is the greatest plan." I had no idea what to do, I was a bit uncomfortable with him sleeping on my lap but if I woke him, he might take it the wrong way, plus he seemed to be having a great dream.

Stay still

Wake Charles up

A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter, tbh I didn't expect myself to get an update out during the week but I did

586 words

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