Chapter 6

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A/N I guess no running away :(
I had something planned but I guess not

Mentions of Panprice, if you don't like the ship then don't hate please
Also kinda a small bash scene so beware I guess

Sneak out: 0

Stay in the room: 4

Henry's POV

As much as I wanted to sneak out, my common sense stopped me so I just laid bored on my bed, waiting for morning to come. Sleep was nonexistent in my mind at the time, which made me think I couldn't get tired, which had its ups and downs.

As I laid there, I heard a knock at the door so I just said come on, assuming it was Charles, but I was surprised when it wasn't, it was a familiar guy that I couldn't pin a name too
     "Sorry if I'm interrupting your sleep" he apologised
     "It's fine, can't sleep anyways" I waved off, staring at the ceiling from my lying position
     "Well I don't think you recognise me, I'm Rupert," he told me, pulling out a hand in offer. I sat up and took his hand in a shake
     "Nice to meet you Rupert, I think, I do recognise you as the guy who teased me when I was in prison" I chuckled slightly
     "Sorry about that" he sheepishly rubbed the back on his neck.

     "What are you doing here anyway?" I questioned
     "In your room or with the government?" he asked
     "Both?" I said in a questioning tone
     "I'm here since my b- my friend got fired and I decided that being a guard was too quiet so I came here. I'm in your room cause I was wondering, did you know that Dave was captured and held at the airship while you were in charge? If so, why was he captured in the first place" Rupert said in a tone that was telling me 'tell me or suffer' so he must care for Dave quite a bit
     "You mean that guy who always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? I remember him. I wasn't quite sure why he was captured but I was told by one of the members that he witnessed a robbery so he was taken so nobody was alert of the robbery until it was too late" I answered which Rupert nodded to.

     "I'm just really glad he wasn't harmed during that crash" he admitted, holding onto his arm like he was trying not to imagine if Dave actually did get hurt or worse
     "Really? Not a scratch" I asked in amazement
     "According to what we found when we found the crashed airship, the prison cells are pretty strong and was barely marked, well one of the cells anyways, the others were smashed" Rupert informed
     "How did I never know that" I wondered out loud
     "I have no idea myself, but thanks for the answers Henry, you really do seem to have changed, physically and mentally" he chuckled at his own joke before walking out the door
     "See you" I called out.

     "He seemed like a nice guy," I thought, lied down again, just laying there, resting my eyes.

Rupert's POV

(Finally, another POV change)

I walked down the hallway, my fake smile fading away to a frown
     "How can he act like that when he could have killed Dave, he acts like everyone has given him a second chance, not me though, he does seem changed but deep inside I know he is the same old kleptomaniac that was sent to prison for trying to rob the bank" my thoughts clouded my mind, before I knew it I had bumped into someone, they had what seemed to be a tuxedo and a pair of headphones, but when I saw a top hat on their head, I drew my gun and pointed it at their head
     "I didn't want to do this, but I guess we'll have to do this the hard way" they emotionlessly spoke, giving a small hand signal, I was about to question him when I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head and I collapsed on the ground, the last thing I saw was a flash of blue before darkness overwhelmed me and I fell unconscious.

A/N No choices for this chapter I think, if you have any suggestions that I could add to the story feel free to ask

And finally, I'm getting somewhere with the plot
(Do I even have a plot? That's still a question I'm asking myself)

770 words

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