Chapter 11

564 13 11

A/N I am so confused on how I got so much motivation for this book

Has anyone noticed the change to the book?

Also, google translate used in this chapter, I hope I got it right
(please tell me if there was anything wrong cause I know you can't always trust google translate)

Replaced swearing (basically, words used to replace swearing)
Minor Panprice moment (most likely overlooked)

Stay in the room: 0

Go explore: 1

See what else he can do: 0

Go straight onto the main choice: 1

Henry's POV

I sat in my room, back to being bored out of my mind. I considered exploring but I knew that Charles would not appreciate that.
     "Stuff it, I'm doing it," I thought out loud, getting up from my bed.

I headed to the door and opened it, it was pretty quiet so I assumed it was really late, I wasn't quite sure (there was no window or clock in my room.) The hallway seemed like a ghost town, the only noise being the sound of my shoes on the floor.
     "What am I going to do anyway? Just walk around?" I thought as I walked around but stopped dead in my tracks when I spotted something.

Charles' headphones were on the ground, with a few cracks in them, along with a white rag or something near the headphones
     "What happened?" I muttered in shock, I knew Charles long enough to know he never takes off his headphones so what were they doing on the floor?

Tell the General

Go look for Charles

Look for clues

Do nothing

Charles POV

     "-Rles, Charles, come on man, wake up" a voice called, shaking my shoulder. I felt unnaturally tired as I slowly opened my eyes
     "What happened?" I muttered, my drowsiness clear in my thoughts
     "Basically, I'm not sure what happened back at base but you were thrown in here with me while unconscious," the voice told me, starting to sound a bit familiar.

I raised my head, darkness threatening to take over again but I refused to blackout. All sleepiness wore off when I realised who I was talking to
     "Rupert?!" I was shocked at who I saw
     "Unless there is another person called Rupert, the one and only" Rupert smirked
     "Where are we? How did you get here?" I asked after getting over my tiredness
     "Well, I'm not 100% sure where we are seeing I haven't left this room since I woke up, but I'm pretty sure at a toppat owned location seeing the people who kidnapped me wore them" he explained.

     "Can you-?" I asked, motioning to my tied wrists which I just noticed were tied to a chair
     "Oh, sure" he nodded, untying my wrists "It's funny how they assume that your wrists are still tied if you have them behind your back" he chuckled.

We stayed quiet for a bit, not knowing what else to say until I remembered something
     "Do you know if Dave has anything to do with this?" I asked
     "What makes you think that?" Rupert snapped in a protective tone
     "No need to get feisty" I put my hands up
     "Just tell me why you think that" he glared
     "Just before I went unconscious, he was looking at a photo of you and him, then said "I almost regret it" just before I was attacked- and I just noticed I lost my headphones, great, they were a gift too" I sighed at the end but it was obvious that Rupert didn't notice my little ramble, he was too caught up in his thoughts

     "Why would Dave do that? He's no traitor" Rupert muttered after a bit of silence
     "Oh, but he is," a thick accent said from the door, the voice belonging to a blond guy in a blue suit and a blue top hat
     "Not you again" Rupert grumbled, obviously encountering this guy before
     "Not just me" he smirked, motioning to the guy who also walked in with him, he looked like he was also a headphone-wearing guy with the headphones he had going through his top hat
     "Hi I guess" he spoke with barely any emotion, giving a minor wave with a hand while still crossing his arms.

     "I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Sven Svensson, leader of the Toppat Clan-" he told us
     "So this is the guy who has been bringing the clan back to power," I thought to myself
     "-And this is Burt Curtis, head of communications and also my right mand man" he continued
     "What do you want with us?" Rupert growled
     "I see, getting straight to the point huh" he shrugged "Så mycket som jag vill berätta för dig hela vår plan på svenska, antar jag att jag inte borde göra det, inte som att du ändå skulle förstå mig (As much as I want to tell you our whole plan in Swedish, I suppose I shouldn't, not like you would understand me anyways)" Sven told us to our confusion
     "We seriously need to work on your speech when talking to prisoners" Burt facepalmed in the corner of the room, making Sven glare at him.

     "Anyways, we just want some information and that's it," Sven told us
     "Let us do the questions first" Rupert snapped
     "Who are the ones captured, and who are the ones who are running free?" Sven rhetorically asked
     "Just answer their questions," Burt told him, obviously tired and bored
     "Fine, but on one condition, each question we answer we get to ask a question that you must answer" he decided, I was about to decline but Rupert butted in
     "Where is Dave?" Rupert shouted, clearly mad about Sven's previous statement
     "Currently out the back in the cafeteria, he felt kinda bad actually, but not like he can do anything about it, En gång en Toppat, alltid en Toppat (once a Toppat, always a Toppat)," Sven told us, being concerned for what he said and even more concerned that he said something important in whatever language he was talking in.

     "Time for my question, how much does the Government know about our return?" Sven asked, actually sounding for curious than hostile
     "This is why I didn't want to ask any questions Rupert" I glared at my comrade before turning back to the blond "Not much really, only that not many people died the day the airship crashed, the previous leader and his previous right-hand man died as well as a few unknown people but besides that, we don't know much," I told him, it wasn't much of a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either
     "Hmm, well thank you for your time, we'll be back tomorrow to ask more questions" Sven gave a farewell, dragging Burt with him, and slammed the door behind him, followed by a lock.

     "We should properly get some sleep, if we are going to escape soon we need to be wide awake" Rupert suggested, moving his hands back onto his lap instead of being held behind him
     "Good idea, night Rupert, or whatever time of day it is" I laughed making Rupert give a small chuckle too
     "Night Charles, let's hope we can get out of here soon" he sighed, resting his head on the chair as I did the same, soon enough, darkness overcame me as I drifted into a restless sleep.

A/N Wow, this is the longest chapter so far

1234 words

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