Option 1: Go Ahead

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A/N I decided to do each option, and make only one the canon ending and the others fails

Death (yes, you readers chose a death option)

Charles' POV

The bullet from Dave's gun zoomed through the air... and hit. 

Rupert collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest where a bullet hole was, blood pouring from the wound. I just stood there in shock, my body wasn't responding to any commands I tried to give myself. 
     "Well, I hope you're proud of yourself Davey, you did what you wanted to do, no takebacks now" Rupert managed to say with a small smile through the pain in his chest and the blood he was coughing up. With that, Rupert fell on his side, open eyes unblinking and his chest not indicating any signs of breathing. The one thing that made me on the verge of tears was the smile on his face, it was almost like he was having a nice dream, but I knew that was far from the truth, I was just glad he died with a smile though.

     "You're next" Dave informed, unaffected by what just happened, reloading his gun again and taking aim at me
     "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!" a yell came from a distance away making him turn away for a moment, only to be forced to the ground by a metal hand punching him in the face "Don't you dare shoot him," the voice growled Dave, the voice belonging to none other than Henry
     "H-Hen?" I managed to ask, slightly recovering from the shock of seeing someone die in front of me, feeling really bad that I didn't even try to help Rupert even though nothing could have been done.

Dave stood up from the ground, his nose bleeding a bit from the punch
     "Ha, what are you going to do? Kill me? I guess I might as well finish the job then" Dave chuckled, quickly taking aim. Just as he pulled the trigger, Henry leapt in front of the gun. Moving his hand at an inhuman speed, he grabbed the bullet and threw it back at Dave, hitting him right in his arm wielding the gun.

He yelped in pain, holding his arm, gripping his gun tighter me glared at Henry who came over
     "You ok?" he asked, resting a hand on my shoulder as I felt my face heat up
     "Y-yeah I-I think s-so" I stutter, mentally facepalming on how I acted
     "That's good to h-" Henry was cut off by another bang, letting go of my shoulder he stumbled back in a stiff kind of way
     "H-Henry?" I sob, seeing him collapse on the floor and hold his stomach. He listed the front of his shirt a bit only to see a hole all the way through his torso revealing a few wires inside
     "Charles..." Henry trailed off, falling face-first on the floor, small sparks coming out of his back and Dave standing behind him, his arm dripping with blood and a smoking gun in his hand.

I felt something inside me snap as I sent a harsh glare towards Dave, this wasn't like me but I felt like it had to be done. I ran forward, just before Dave could reload his gun, I tackled him to the floor and took his gun. Reloading it myself, I aimed it towards Dave's head
     "I hate having someone's death being caused by me but there has already been two, what's one more," I told Dave, pulling the trigger. Dave collapsed almost instantly, eyes unblinking.

I did it. I had killed someone. I didn't know I had it in me. Only now, I took the time to process what just happened. I fell to my knees next to Henry's body, finally letting the tears out. In the Government, we're told not to cry for it shows weakness in the work field but nobody was around so I didn't care.
     "I never told you how I felt" I mumbled through sobs, holding Henry's cybernetic hand in my own.

A/N I almost cried, welp, it's my job

675 words

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