Chapter 10

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A/N A lot of people really wanna start the Stickvin don't they, welp, imma add the "Wake Charles" idea anyways

Oh, and those who have seen the Spider-man into the Spiderverse will understand;
Henry be unintentionally doing the "Hey"

Ya gonna hate me when you find out what I did to Charles

Also; MORE AMONG US REFERENCES (well, the reference is just saying suspect but still)

Lot's of POV changes, I find them annoying but they were needed for this chapter

Stay still: 3

Wake Charles up: 0

Henry's POV

I really wanted to move, but something stopped me, I think it was the calming sound of Charles' snores. I didn't have to feel uncomfortable much longer though, Charles started waking up. The moment he woke up he shot up from his lying place, his face as red as a tomato
     "Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry" he quickly apologised
     "It's fine, you've only been like that for two hours," I told him making him go even redder, hiding his face behind his hands
     "I should have known better, I'm really sorry" he continued, only stopping when I placed my hand on his shoulder
     "For the last time, it's fine," I said in a calm tone, making Charles stop rambling and slowly bring his hands down.

The moment seemed like a lifetime, my hand resting on his shoulder in a comforting way, our eyes interlocking making all problems disappear. It was almost... perfect.

     "I- I should be heading back to the General, we have been here for quite a while," Charles told me
     "Fair enough" I nodded, quickly taking my hand off Charles before it got awkward
Charles grabbed his iPad and left the room with a quick goodbye, racing out the door.

Charles POV
(Finally, the bold action man gets his turn)

I raced out of Henry's room, my face red and my thoughts going crazy. 
     "Henry, the guy who has only trusted us for just over a day, just watched a movie with me and didn't even care when I fell asleep on him" I fanboyed silently.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't see where I was going and ended up bumping into someone
     "Sor- Dave?" I asked, noticing the former guard standing in the middle of the hallway. It looked like he had noticed me, but instead kept looking at a photo in his hands "You miss him huh" I stated, noticing the photo was of him and Rupert
     "Mhm" Dave acknowledged "I almost regret it" he muttered the last sentence.

I was about to question his statement when I felt something cover my mouth, I tried to scream but my voice was drowned out. My vision started getting blurry, before I knew it, I had collapsed on the floor, passed out.

General Galeforce's POV

(FYI this is about an hour after Henry went to his room)

I sat in my office area, the lack of sleep getting to me, Rupert's disappearance seemed to prove the fact that the Toppat's were coming back and this worried me, we struggled to take them down before Henry showed up and we still couldn't take them down, it was only when Henry crashed the airship that we managed to take down the leader and his right-hand man, but with their return, it only shows that they have a new leader and are growing stronger every day.

     "General, sorry to intrude, but according to security cameras, Rupert did leave Henry's room without any harm and Henry never left his room, he must be innocent" a voice called from the door, I turned to see Charles there with his iPad in his hand "Please let him go, he isn't a suspect, I got proof and you can't deny that" he pleaded
      "I know that Charlie, but if I let him roam around while the Toppat's are growing stronger, who knows what might happen, he might join with them, he did say he only had a grudge against the previous leader, he might decide to go neutral, he might even decide to run away and not help us at all" I explained to him
     "But-" he started but I shushed him with a raised hand
     "You know what, how about go spend some time with him, but don't tell him that I said that or he may take it as a chance to try to leave him room thinking that he is no longer suspected," I told him making him beam with joy
     "You can count on me General" he saluted, racing out the door to go to Henry's room.

A/N I am very confused how yet happy that I'm managing to get these updates out during the school week

Also, imma say the choices for Henry in this chapter are

- Stay in the room

- Go explore a bit

And imma add a side choice too which is

- See what else he can do

- Go straight onto the main choice

810 words

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