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"Hey" Seok Hoon greeted Ro Na as he entered her house.

"Hi! Just give me five more minutes and we'll be out!" She said with a smile, then turned around and went back to her room to finish getting ready.

They were going on a date today for the first time in a while and they were definitely planning to go to an Italian restaurant near  Hongdae to get that delicious pasta they once talked about getting.

It was as if they could finally enjoy their lives as teenagers without some immature adults fighting over money and power in the background.

For Seok Hoon, it was like a breath of fresh air. For years, he was under his father's supervision, he had to follow whatever Joo Dan Tae said, he didn't care about if his son grew up with a trauma because of him, he didn't care if his own flesh and blood grew to despise him, he is Joo Dan Tae and with or without his children, he was going to get what he wanted, even if that meant hurting your own flesh and blood physically and mentally.

And although Seok Hoon knew his father would probably go after him or his sister, Seo Kyung, he still felt somewhat better, because now there wasn't some lowlife of a father breathing down his neck.

Seok Hoon could make friends with whoever he wanted, fo whatever he liked and inspired him and also date whoever he wanted and Joo Dan Tae could do nothing about it.

He was so ecstatic about this date. He had missed Ro Na so much and for her to be alive was like a miracle.

"I'm ready! Let's go!" Ro Na said, as she flashed him her gorgeous smile.

He grabbed her hand and out they went

"Where are you two going?" Minhyuk appeared out of nowhere, glaring at the couple.

"None of your business." Seokhoon hissed.

"You've gotten braver, Bae Ro Na. Going out on little dates with your boyfriend while my parents and your mom are in jail. Don't you feel any sympathy?" The young man asked as he placed around, looking at Ro Na.

Ro Na rolled her eyes. Out of all the Hera Palace kids, Lee Min Hyuk was the most entitled and arrogant kid. He only cared about his parents money and about himself.

When she saw him the day his parents were sentenced to prison, she could tell that he didn't care at all. The only thing he cared about was "now who is going to give me my allowance? Who is going to clean up after me?"

"You know, Lee Min Hyuk." Ro Na started, as she slowly walked up to him "Instead of butting into other people's businesses, why don't you mind your own and instead of lounging around  infront of my house just to wait until I step a foot outside, to treat me like shit and call me all the names in the book, as well as insulting my mother..." She paused, taking a deep breath, then looking at him dead in the eye.

"Why don't you go and find yourself a job?" She said, as she poked his chest multiple times "go and experience what the real world is like. I don't think you even know how to get on a bus or use the metro card. You don't know any of the struggles people face out there, just because you have a higher status doesn't mean that you are any less different than them. So don't be shy and go outside. Maybe even get a job at a convenience store,

Get a taste of what life is really like"

Ro Na hissed, the smirked she had on her face slowly fell into a cold expression.

She stepped back, then turned around and grabbed Seok Hoon's hand and got on the elevator. Leaving Min Hyuk standing in the middle of the hall, speechless.

1. Some times, it's alright to put bratty and entitled people in their place by calling them out on their bullshit.

Thanks for reading today's update! Hope everyone is having a nice day/night!!


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