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Shortly after finishing their lunch, seokhoon and rona headed back to the Hera Palace. After the shitshow they've had to go through ever since the start of their senior year, they didn't like staying out much, even when the elders told them that they should just "live life and enjoy your youth"

But, how do you do that?

How should they live their lifes and enjoy their youth when there is a literal serial killer out on the run who is after them?

How should they peacefully live their lifes and enjoy youth when every day, a new problem seems to arise?

How should they live their lifes and enjoy their youth when the trauma left by your father dearest has affected everyone, even his most loyal dogs.

Theres no exact answer to that, really.

"How was the food?" Miss Shim asked as Seokhoon and Rona entered Rona's home.
Miss Shim knew the passcode to the house and would come every Saturday to restock the fridge with side dishes. She loved and cherished Rona as if she was her own niece and loved Yoonhee as if she was her own sister.

But it was friday, so she probably came to check in for a bit then leave shortly.

But that wasn't the case.

"The food was delicious! Definitely going back!" Rona said with a smile.

She loved spending time with Seokhoon and was also very grateful towards Miss Shim.

"I'm glad to hear that!" Suryeon said "Oh, before I forget, I need to tell you guys a few things"

Rona and Seokhoon looked at each other, curiosity was slowly creeping in but at the same time, they were getting used to this. Suryeon would always have some kind of secret or very important matter to tell them.

They sat down by the two navy blue love chairs in the living room.

"Rona, your mum will be released from jail soon. Probably by the end of the month!"

Rona couldn't believe it

It felt as if she was going to stay there forever but its finally happening! Yoonhee was coming back!

"Really?!that's amazing I really...I'm speechless, I just cannot believe that she's finally coming back!!" Rona expressed, as she smiled widely.

"Lastly, you guys will be going back to Cheong A. I know what you two are going to say, but you guys need to get into great colleges!" Suryeon said.

She didn't want to make them go back to a place that held so many negative memories, so much unwanted trauma, so many fake people. But you can't just run away from it and expect it to go away, can you?

Seokhoon and Rona were disappointed to say the least, but it was time to come back stronger than ever.

They are no longer the weak 16 year olds that they used to be.

The Book Of Us  [Bae Ro Na × Joo Seok Hoon]Where stories live. Discover now