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"If you are still nervous about going out, we can always order take out and go back home." Seokhoon said as they got in his car.

"No no, it's okay! Let's go there, I'm feeling alright!"

That was a lie.

Rona was still feeling anxious ¿What if they met Joo Dan Tae out of the blue and he tried to harm them?
She only leaves the house with Ms Shim or Seokhoon. Seokyung just follows because, although she doesn't want to admit it, she's just as anxious and scared as Rona is.

The three of them have gone through so many traumatic events, it's understandable that they'll feel this way.

But it felt good to get a breath of fresh air from time to time.


Seokhoon and Rona decided to forget about the fact that who could possibly be South Korea's next serial killer was out on the run, and that they could be his next target.

Finally, they had arrived at the restaurant. Seokhoon held Rona's hand as they made their way through, following the kind woman who was taking them to their reserved spot.

They both sat infront of each other, smiling and keeping eye contact.

But what they thought was going to be a peaceful lunch in a nice restaurant, was soon to be ruined...

"You two have some nerve, huh" Jenny scoffed as she circled the couple.

Rona's calm expression turned cold.

She tried to hide the fact that she was hurt by all of the horrible things Jenny had said to her after she had come back.

She did a full 180 on Rona, and shifted the blame of her mother's wrongdoings towards her, Oh Yoon Hee and Shim Su Ryeon. It was as if she was in denial and thought that her mother had been framed...when she wasn't.

Jenny's mother knew better, she knew that she shouldn't have helped clean up the crime scene and mess with potential evidence, but she still did it and showed no remorse in court.

All of the Hera Palace elders had a chance to show remorse for their wrong doings and by doing that, possibly get a lesser prison sentence, but only two of them did.

Either way, Rona had nothing to do with this. Just because she helped Su Ryeon frame Joo Dan Tae and never told Jenny that she was alive, doesn't mean that she was plotting something against her and that she now hated her.
Rona appreciated Jenny a lot, and although they had a very rough beginning, she still accepted her with open arms but of course, Jenny ruined it.

"Yoo Jenny"
Seokhoon spat, getting up from his seat.

"What are you so butthurt about? Why can't you just mind your own business? Why are you always hurting who you said was your best friend?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he slowly got closer to her.

The room suddendly felt cold.

Rona knew Seokhoon, she knew that he was going to explode in any second. He was tired of both Jenny and Minhyuk harassing them and blaming them for stuff that they didn't even do, he also couldn't believe how Jenny switched up on Rona so quickly.

"Do you know what your father dearest has been up to? Have you asked yourself if he is up to any good?"

He hissed, as he looked at her dead in the eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Jenny asked, her eyes were watering out of anger and fear.

Probably asking herself why she had provoked the beast.

Seokhoon laughed. Jenny was so blind to the point that she couldn't even see what her daddy was up to while mommy was in jail, heck, she didn't even know her dad had gone to jail too.

Seokhoon was about to reply but Rona beat him to it.

"Seokhoon let's just order take out." Rona said, standing up from her seat.

"No, we are going to eat here. And you" he said, pointing at Jenny

"are going to mind your owm business and leave us alone, unless you want me to tell you things that you wished I never even told you about in the first place."

Seokhoon spat, as he turned around and sat back on his seat, Rona doing so as well.

Jenny scoffed. Wiping the tears off of her eyes.

"You two are going to pay for this."

Seokhoon rolled his eyes.

"That old line again? Come up with something better, you loser." He spat.

Jenny turned on her heel and left.

"Are you okay?" Seokhoon asked Rona, holding her hand in his.

"I'm fine, thank you" she replied, he could see that she was still shaken up but knowing her, she was going to deny it.

"So, how about we order?" Seokhoon said after taking a deep breath and shooting her a smile.

"Of course!" Rona said, smiling back.

At least their date wasn't ruined, but someone's day surely was.

Stay mad, Jenny ;)

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