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*1 week time lapse*

It was their last day at this new school that they were attending. Soon, they would be back at the  Cheong A Arts School.

Although they loved it here, it was time to go back and face all the problems that were left behind and unsolved. Though currently  there were some weird things happening.

As the two sat underneath a tree near the school's basketball court, Seokhoon was laying on Rona's lap as they enjoyed their lunch. But it seemed like Seokhoon had something on his mind, something that had been bothering him for a good while now.

"Hey Rona, don't you think Seokyung has been acting a little weird lately? Usually she seats with us during lunch but she's not here today, this happened last week too!"

He said, as he looked up to Rona.

Rona had barely noticed because Seokyung wouldn't talk to her much, and would ignore her from time to time. You'd think that, by now, Seokyung would have apologized to Rona but she simply hasn't.

"Now that you mentioned it, she has in fact been acting weird. Last time, she accidentally left her phone in the art room, Seo Jangmi saw it and went to give it back to her and Seokyung's response was horrible. She literally shouted at Jangmi, telling her to not touch her stuff. It was really strange, to be honest. "

Seokhoon sighed, he knew that Seokyung was an entitled brat, actually scratch that, everyone knows that, but what is wrong with her?

"She must be hiding something on that phone. I mean, why else would she get so defensive." Seokhoon said as he looked around, trying to see if he could find Seokyung.

"Stop trying to look for her. I actually haven't seen her since break time."

Rona knew how much Seokhoon cared for Seokyung, but he needed to stop cleaning up after her. She needs to grow up, he won't always be there for her and she knows that, she needs to stop treating her brother like her personal assistant.

Rona checked the time on her phone, lunch time was almost over and honestly, she didn't want to leave Seokhoon's side. Even though they pretty much do everything together, she loves being around him and moments like this are just...perfect.

Rona took a deep breath and looked down at Seokhoon, she admired his features as she played with his hair, something that Seokhoon loved.

Why can't they just stay like this forever? It all feels so peaceful and refreshing until...


Someone was calling her. The caller appeared as unknown and both Ms. Shim and her mum had told her to never answer to unknown numbers and report it to them immediately as soon as she got a call from one.

Rona turned her phone off and started to pack everything up. It was time for them to go to their next class.


¿Why were they calling her?


Rona, bestie, they are calling you to let you know about your car's extended warranty 😫❗❗

I'm sorry this chapter was so short...I think idk

Next chapter will be longer and I'll probably post a chapter where I just shit talk about Joo dantae and Cheon Seojin because they really messed with the wrong people during episode 5.

Don't worry besties, I'm bringing Yoonhee back and I'm gonna make sure her and Yoonchul have the happy ending that they deserve 😤

Ty for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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