Chapter 32

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 Touya's Request 

"I didn't pass." The monotone voice of Shoto rang through the household. Fuyumi has requested for the twins to come home, Aizawa was more than happy to help the Todoroki family. Nezu complied too.

The news of Shoto not passing surprised all of them. "W-well... that was unexpected," Fuyumi said, she gave a smile in order to assure it's alright. In truth, Shoto was still nervous. He doesn't want Enji to put on a show in front of Izuku.

"I'm not mad," Enji said. "I actually got a call from Aizawa of what happened." 

"D-dad, you're here," Izuku said as he waves his hand. "Well, It is an important day. Aside from celebrating you two for doing your best, We have a surprise for you! I'll be busy tomorrow though." Enji explained. "You got the whole weekend with us!" Fuyumi clasped her hands together out of excitement. "but- where's Natsu?" Izuku asked.

"With the surprise," Fuyumi replied, making the two confused and thinking. "Does it need someone to drive?" "Ooh! We'll get a car." The two conversed in monotone voices. "Did you guys use dad's credit card without me?" Shoto asks, Izuku didn't know whether his brother is being comedic or not. 

"I'm right here you know?! Plus, It's my credit card!" Enji scolded. But somehow, the way he scolded didn't scare anyone but made everyone laugh. That simple thought made the moment for Izuku more precious than it seems.

"They're here already?!!" Natsu's voice was heard from the halls. Fuyumi went to get Natsuo, she wasn't the type to shout. "so it's not a car." Izuku said. Enji smiled and ruffled both sons' hair. "It's better than a car." 

Soon enough, Fuyumi and Natsuo walked out with a certain someone. She wore a soft smile, the lovely snow-white hair and dazzling gray eyes leaving the twins stunned to see the beautiful Rei Todoroki in front of them. 

"MOM!!" both boys became expressive. They called out her name in happiness. The two ran up to Rei, trapping her in a hug. "You're finally home!!" "Since when?"

"I got here two days ago... I rested the whole day yesterday... I saw how many things changed, but- it still feels like home. But a happier one." No doubt to Shoto that his mother showed guilt even if it was just a second.

"Mom... you, you don't have to feel guilty about Touya-nii." Shoto's voice was gentle, a little more emotion than the usually dull voice. "We told her that many times too," Natsu said. "Is it okay to be happy without Touya?"  Rei asked. "I'm sure if Touya-nii wanted one person to be happy, it would be you mom. So please turn that frown upside down." Natsu gave a smile in hopes his mom would follow.

Rei nodded, 'they're right.' she thought. She congratulated Izuku and Shoto since they both did their best. Enji took the news lightly which was fortunate for everyone, They celebrated, Rei could proudly say that she is happy with this family.


Hawks is standing in his apartment, in the kitchen, and stare at his problem. Seriously, the milk carton isn't closed, the cereal box is also opened, the flakes would probably not be crunchy anymore! Aside from those opened things, milk is spilled on the dining table. A bowl and spoon are not put in the dishwasher or sink at least. He sighed and looked at the root of the problem.

"When you said going home, I didn't think you meant my house." Hawks said he didn't like the mess Touya made. 'look at that brat relaxing in my living room not even bothering to clean up after himself!' Keigo cursed at his friend. "Look at this mess!" 

If only he could attack him, the commission would probably lecture him, and he didn't want that to happen. He sighed cleaning the mess with his feathers. "mm... Kurogiri always handled them." 

"You're not at the league!! wait... did you say Kurogiri does that? What is he? A babysitter?" Keigo laughed. "More like crusty's babysitter." Touya corrected.

"Well, you sleep on the couch. You should have your clothes in the storage room. Take a bath Geez." Hawks reminded. Touya rolled his eyes. 'what is he? a mother bird?'

After nightly clean-up, the two went to sleep. Touya though has made his decision before drifting into the world of nod.

The next day, hawks left a letter saying that he has a patrol schedule. Touya is still free from work since he gave major help for the commission. An S rank mission. Sure enough, Toga is also resting. He can imagine detective Tsukauchi spoiling that high school girl by now for achieving such a great mission.

There is still that other reward, 'we can ask for something...' guess it's perfect.

"What brings you here?" The president of the hero commission asks. "Look into someone for me," Touya answered. The president raised a brow. "Is it regards of the missing person again? I thought you gave up."

"Hawks told you that didn't he?" The white-haired gave a look the president shrugged, "Hawks is sharp around here, don't blame him, he accidentally spilled the tea." Touya rolled his eyes at the other's words.

'yeah. Accidentally.' He thought. Touya could imagine the narcissistic bastard smirking after leaving this very office. "Actually, investigations won't take too long now. We found a boy... rather interesting bloodline.  There are many similarities in how you physically described him. Red hair fades to white... It wasn't publicly declared yet so he isn't famous but surely... I'm sure it isn't a coincidence that this boy hangs around your siblings so much holding two Endeavor credit cards at the mall." said one higher up.

'he's found?' What a thought for Touya. After years of looking, after the years he had given up, Now was it easy to accept that he is easily found by that man?

Touya gritted his teeth. He had plans. Once he finds Izuku, they'll run away together... not seeing the face of Enji Todoroki, even if it means leaving behind his other siblings. At least, at least he can save Izuku from that man's dark side.

How would he feel when he experiences the hate of a father, the guilt of a mother, the loneliness in that household. He doesn't want Izuku to suffocate...

Poor Touya doesn't know that the family was happy, but not completely happy. As they had admitted... Without the eldest son, They still feel incomplete. Deep down, they knew that nothing else could fill that void. 

"Be careful with your request... This one, we will surely give it to you as long as it is within the law, doesn't cause harm, chaos, and evil." The president said. Touya nodded and stayed quiet for a while. He's thinking hard of what to wish. When he opened his mouth, people thought it was something grand. Turns out...

"I won't ask for anything for now..." he said. 'there's some change of plans.'

BNHA: Izuku Todoroki (What if Izuku is a Todoroki?)Where stories live. Discover now