Chapter 26

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Moving in dorms

Izuku is low-key finding things funny on how his classmates hasn't realize the official fact that him and Shoto are brothers. It has became a joke multiple times and Shoto tries to tell them they are, only to be stopped by Bakugou for his own amusement. Izuku couldn't care less because he does enjoy Kacchan and Shoto fighting for something so small.

Well, The weeks Endeavor requested was shortened to one since training is needed. Nezu wanted Aizawa wanted to supervise all his students. This is no exception even to Endeavor's sons.

"Dad, don't worry, we'll visit often.." Izuku says. "What he said." Shoto says as he put out his and Izuku's bags. full of what they would bring to the dorms. "Fuyumi will bring those to the dorms in the evening. Bring spare clothes so you won't be stuck in that the whole day." Enji said as he prepares himself to go to work. With a content smile, Enji left the house off to his agency.

Finishing their sobas, Izuku and Shoto talk about what they wanted to do with their quirks. How to improve them.. and some stories here and there. They continue talking as they went in the bullet train on the way to UA.

"so.. your hot ice isn't strong as the cold one?" Izuku hummed a yes. "Well, it wouldn't really be nice to burn your practice mate.. it could leave a scar.. ah- sorry.." Shoto sighed. "It's fine, I get what you mean. How does Cold flames work?" 

"Uhm, well.. you know how that Dabi guy and you control flames? Just like that! Except the temperature is opposite.. the more I produce, the colder it gets.. The coolest thing I made with this is the sports festival. Surrounding us with cold flames making it look like a snow storm." Izuku explained. "Wouldn't that give you frost bites?" Shoto asked, remembering how he got frost bites using his quirk. "Well, that's why I have hot ice silly! just like how you have your flames!"  Izuku smiled rivaling the sun. 

'ah, so today is an expressive Izuku day huh?' The older twin thought. He watched Izuku for days so he can get used to his mood swings. Many days he is like Shoto himself but less apathetic, turning into sometimes, his expressive side like now is coming out and lastly the rare times where he is as apathetic as Shoto.. if not, then more apathetic than Shoto.

Making their way to the classroom, they were met by Aizawa in the halls. "Good morning sensei." Izuku greeted. "Good morning Todorokis. You moving in the dorms today right?" the twins nodded. "Then, you can set up all afternoon. Traditional style as you both requested. Get help from your classmates when you need to. Tell the class I'll come late.. forgot my coffee." Aizawa walked away muttering the last part. The twins heard it but decided to laugh when Aizawa was out of sight or far enough for him not to hear both their chuckles.

1A is chaotic as ever. Entering the classroom many greeted them despite the crazy things they were doing. "Aizawa sensei would be late." Shoto said. None say anything back but he knew they should get the memo. The twins went to their seats, Bakugou began talking to Izuku about their own stuff and Shoto converse with himself about how he will make do with his fire side. 

 He couldn't just be left out by Izuku so he wanted to train and train more. The snow storm stunt Izuku made at the sports festival, Shoto couldn't wield his fire side that strong. The thought of not standing side by side or along side the strength of his twin.. he feels like they were so different and made them apart. Shoto doesn't want that, so he has to get better!

Their day was pretty much any other day. They listen to their teachers and joke around whenever it's allowed or appropriate. In the end, all have to go back to the dorms. Everyone started going in their own friend groups. Mina noticed just now that we were carrying extra bags. "Uh.. Midoriya? Why so many bags? You too Todoroki-kun.." Mina asks as Bakugou takes one of Izuku's bags. "well, we're joining the dorms today.. the weeks got cut off early." Shoto answered. 

"Wait- Midobro, Shoto told us the reason why he wasn't early in the dorms.. how bout you?" Kirishima asks. "about that.. I'm-" Izuku was cut off by a hand covering his mouth. "HE HAS FAMILY BUSINESS DAM PLEBS!" Bakugou yelled at them rudely interrupting the red bean. Izuku sighed as he know Kacchan would want to prolong his fun. Shoto just got tired to deal with Katsuki, especially they were walking to the dorms with extra bags.

"That's new coming from you Kacchan." Izuku said as he gave a look to Katsuki.. still monotone though. "New what!?" "Extras.. Plebs.."

"BAKUBROO I DON'T KNOW WHAT HURTS MORE!" Kaminari said as he try to mimic Kirishima. "isn't pleb better as he actually puts us in the picture though as commoners and not some extra away from the picture?" Sero commented. The debate went on until they reached the heights alliance.


"You room side by side? HOW COOL IS THAT!" Kaminari exclaimed. "Makes all the job easier when we help you two bring boxes up here.. your stuffs coming in the same day right? Wait- are your houses near?" Hanta said with a smile turning to a questioning look. "Well, Fuyumi is coming later.." Shoto said. "oh your sister..?" Mina took interest. She wondered how a monotone female Todoroki would look like. The Bakusquad let the two in their own rooms to change. Bakugou is laughing internally as his friends still believe in his words and excuses on why and how Izuku is not Shoto's brother. 

Soon enough, the group plus the twins found themselves in the common room. A knock came in and Izuku was excited. "Nee-san." He let out as he look at Shoto. Mina excitedly open the door to see white haired woman in glasses with red streaks randomly on her hair. The woman put a smile on her face as she pointed on the bags left out by Enji before leaving to the car. He didn't want to cause a ruckus in the dorms.

"Nee-san!!" Izuku's mood turned 360! He was so quiet.. smiling softly.. quiet, and toned down, smiling softly, and well.., quiet. Now he's exclaiming like a kid and went to hug the woman. "Hello, I'm Fuyumi Todoroki.. I came to bring their stuff." She smiled. Mina realizes that she isn't like Shoto at all so she was kinda distracted at that. She really did thought she was gonna be as apathetic as Shoto bu- wait.. "NEE-SAN!?" she exclaimed. The bomb turned to laughs Shoto sighed. And Izuku was too distracted clinging to Fuyumi to even care.

A/N: Don't mind the picture up there 👆 I just thought it's cool. And I realize that I have to reread my own story cause I forgot the plot.. also, this is my drawing of Bakugou. 😄


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