TIDH IN: The Ink Demon's New Puppet! Part 2 (Fanfic)

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(They all hopped into Ink Chunk's van and drove off. Meanwhile, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean lies two familiar faces. One is is a former animator of Joey Drew Studios working under his work partner Joey Drew. He is responsible for the creation of various cartoon characters, including Bendy, Boris the Wolf, and Alice Angel. While the other is a former animator of Joey Drew Studios too, and who is responsible behind the creation and animation of various cartoon characters, just like Henry Stein it includes; Bendy, Boris the Wolf, and Alice Angel as well.)

Man: (finish dropping anchor) Oh boy, what a day.

Women: (tying the last sail) I'll say, for a minute there I thought we would be trapped in the Bermuda Triangle forever.

Man: But as always nothing can beat the Stein Family! Right, honey?

Linda: (climbing down the mass) I couldn't agree more, Henry dear.

Henry: So, what's the plan for...

(Henry was interrupted by a beeping sound coming from the lower deck.)

Henry: Hey, what's that noise?

(Henry and Linda head to the lower deck of the boat. As they arrived to the lower deck, they see a flashing light from one part of the control panel making the beeping sound. Linda's walks towards the panel, turns off the sound and sees the energy readings on the screen. Linda was extremely shocked by the results.)

Linda: No.

Henry: What is it Linda?

(Linda then opens one the file cabinets next to the control panel and pulls out a data file. He puts the file on the control panel and searches through it. Eventually he found the printed data he was looking for. He looks at the data and looks back at the energy readings on the screen.)

Linda: It can't be.

Henry: Hey, babe! You okay? You're kinda freaking me out right now.

Linda: Henry, come over here and look at this. (As Henry approaches, she shows Henry the data in his hand and the energy readings on the screen) Look at this data and these energy readings.

Henry: (looks at them both) Okay, they kinda look exactly the same. So what?

Linda (holds up the data) Henry, these are the energy readings when I made that pentagram made out of ink. (points at the screen) And these are the same readings that are current.

Henry: Wait, Linda! Don't tell me that you're saying what I think you're saying babe.

Linda: Henry, someone is making the pentagram covered with ink to here.

Henry: Yeah! I told you not to tell me that! Like how is that even happening!? I thought you said that your journals were destroyed!?

Linda: They are! Though whoever is reconstructing the pentagram made out of ink must've discovered another method of doing so. Whatever the reason, we must find the culprit reconstructing the pentagram made out of ink and stop him before it's too late.

Henry: Could it be back at our house?

Linda: After what the people witnessed and experienced. I highly doubt that. No, it has to be coming from a different location.

Henry: But where?

Linda: (moves to a different control panel) Give me a minute. (starts typing) Using these energy readings, I can triangulate the precise location of the source.

(Then shows geographic map popping up on screen. It starts zooming in. It keeps zooming till it eventually found the location.)

Henry: (points at the screen) There, that's are our next destination Linda! Royal Woods, Michigan! We have to get there as soon as possible!

The Ink Demon's New Puppet! (A BATIM x TLH rated T Fanfic Chapter 2 Parts 1-2!) Where stories live. Discover now