Chapter 3

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My first week of High School has past and I'm not as exited as as I was about Monday this week...

I didn't really want to go to school... I had a horrible Thursday and pretended to feel sick so I didn't have to go to school on Friday. I haven't told anyone about the cuts and bruises on my stomach and chest.

I'll tell you the story in full detail. It was after school and basically all the student body and most of the teachers have gone home. I was going to my locker to get my piano books since I had a piano lesson afterwards and a girl I didn't recognise walks up to me and says:

Girl: Hey you!
Me: Yeah?
Girl: What's you're problem!?

I looked around to see if anyone was behind me but she was obviously talking to me, so I said:

Me: What are you talking about!
I asked nervously, I mean I didn't even know this girl!

Girl: You know exactly what I'm talking about, Bitch!

I suddenly realised who this was! OH.MY.GOD! It's Callie Landon! She once came to my school back in Stoneville and she was bullied very badly, I was, and I'm very ashamed of it, one of the bullies that gave her hell... Now she was surely going to get me back,and since no one was their for me, and I couldn't get away from her.

Me: Oh hey... It's you...
Callie: You're gunna pay, bitch!

I was scared then so I started to slowly back up, sort of like she was a snake... But then, like all movies I run into a cornered wall.

Me: Callie can we just work this out? Pleeeeease?
Callie: In You're dreams, bitch, you made my life a living hell. Now you're going to pay.

She then came up to me and started to punch me in the gut, when I fell to the ground she then got a knife out and scraped my stomach, just enough to cause pain and blood, but still not enough to cause damage. I hope.

She then, surprisingly, helped me up. Then shoved me into a wall and said in a threatening voice, "Don't you DARE tell anyone about this or this will be happening on a regular basis... Now fuck of, bitch. Oh and one more thing... Stay out of my way and now you're in MY school, so watch out..."

I ran home, up the stairs and straight up to my bed and cried.

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