Chapter 4

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All weekend I've been dreading Monday. Obviously. But when I came around it wasn't so bad. I didn't run into Callie all day but that was also because I was being super cautious about her. Chloe noticed me being so worried and asked if I was okay. I said I was fine but then she hit me, in all the places, the stomach... I grimaced in pain when she whacked me and tried not to make to too noticeable, but it obviously was because she went into sorry mode and kept on saying sorry over and over as tears welled up in my eyes.

After I convinced her I was fine and that she didn't need to take me to the office, she asked what happened... I knew I couldn't tell her the truth so I made up a story, even if it wasn't that convincing...

'As I was walking home yesterday I wasn't really paying attention, I slipped in the gutter and fell into some glass on the road. I didn't tell my mum because I didn't want her to stress and I wouldn't mind if you didn't tell her. Please?'

Being the awesome, caring friend she is, she started to freak out and worry. I told her it was fine but she still didn't believe me. For the rest of the week she kept on asking how I was but as always I said I was fine. Duh what else am I going to say.

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