Mama Bear & Her Cub

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"Yes! That's it!" Anya cheered.

Mark let out a shaky breath as he made it to the end of the walkway. He did it. It had been a long couple weeks, but Mark was making big strides. Literally. A lot of work managing his balance, his gait, and stamina. Anya had pushed him to the brink everyday. And he was grateful. They had started out inside the small walking area with bars. Today they were outside, the weather was beautiful yet again. All her encouragement and pushing got him down the entire walkway without stumbling once. She had stood there at the goal, cheering him on as he got up out of the wheel chair and made his way to her. He didn't even need the walker to help keep his balance.

He was also falling head over heels for her. She was his ultimate goal in the end.

Anya jumped up and down exclaiming her excitement. She was so proud of him for getting this far. "You did it! You made it, Mark!" she smiled brightly up at him. "All your hard work has paid off!"

Mark stared down at her. That smile he had come to look forward to every day when he woke up. The days she was off on the weekend killed him. He knew she couldn't be there everyday, but he had wished she could. So when she was smiling up at him like that, showing him how proud she was...he couldn't help but pull her into a tight embrace. In the past weeks, she showed him more emotion and genuine caring that Lori ever gave him in the 4 years they were together. Mark felt so many emotions welling up inside him. He had not only learned to walk again, and built back up his muscles to almost where they had been prior to his accident, he had repaired his heart. She repaired his heart. "I..." he clenched his teeth as he held her close, fighting back the tears that threatened him. He was trying so hard to keep himself strong. The way he always had. With Anya...he didn't mind feeling vulnerable, because he knew she wouldn't mind. In the same notion, he wanted to be strong for her. Wanted to share all these emotions with only her.

Anya's eyes widened as his arms wrapped around her. She didn't know what to do. Sure, many of her patients hugged her when they got to their end goal, but they weren't Mark. They didn't stir feelings and make her question her ethics as a medical profession. Then she felt the tears slip from his face and onto her collar bone. Crying? She had dealt with that too. Again...with Mark it was different. "M-Mark..." she breathed, feeling him shake slightly, as if he were fighting it. "I'm so proud of you." she whispered to him. "You don't have to hide your emotions."

That did it.

A heavy weight felt like it had released itself from his chest, and they remained like that for a long moment. Lifting a hand from around her back, Mark brought it up to her cheek. Fire erupted in her, she knew where this was going. Anya swallowed the lump in her throat. She should stop him. This was wrong. So wrong. But all she wanted in the world was for him to kiss her.

He held her gaze, his hot breath warming her lips. He was so close. "Anya...I.."

"Mark?" a female voice called out, preventing him from going any further.

Mark cursed softly and turned his attention to his mother. How could he forget it was Thursday. His parents decided to come visit him now that he was finishing up with his therapy. Anya hadn't had a chance to meet his parents yet, they both worked during the week and visited on the weekends when she was not at the hospital. "Hey mom." He smiled softly, although a little irritated she had kept him from finally telling Anya how he felt.

Diane blinked, cocking her head to the side at what she had witnessed. Mark had a girl in a very loving embrace. "Hi, honey. Sorry we are early. Ray got off early so we could come see you." Diane made her way up to them in the garden.

"Where is Dad?" Mark questioned, not seeing the man. "And Minnie?"

"Talking to the nurse about your discharge. Maria is at a birthday party." Diane turned her attention to Anya who was looking very embarrassed and flustered. "Hi, I'm Diane, Mark's mother." She gave Anya a head to toe look. She looked familiar.

Anya felt a bit of relief when she heard that it was his mother. A part of her was almost scared that it was Lori. But that was just absered. Mark looked way too much like this woman. Same piercing blue eyes and chestnut hair. "I'm Anya, Mark's physical therapist." she blushed, shaking the woman's hand. Yes. She was his PT so why was she allowing him to nearly kiss her? She saw the clouded look that passed over his mother's eyes. A look that said she had just seen what had almost happened. A look that said don't mess with my son, or I will tear you to pieces. The last thing Diane wanted was for her son's heart to be broken. Again. "I should go. I will let you guys have some time together." Anya looked up at Mark. "I will be in my office for a while...I have to work on your discharge paperwork." she gave Diane a big smile before heading back to her office.

Staring at her as she walked away, Mark sighed too loudly.

"What is with that sigh?" Diane raised a brow at her son, still oblivious to the fact that he was standing on his own. She watched the longing look in his eyes. "Mark?"

Mark shifted his gaze to his mom. "Sorry...I just..."

"I know that look." Diane narrowed her eyes. "You are in love with her."

"Mom!" Mark shot at her.

"You cannot fool me. I have never seen you look like that, but I know that look. It's the same one your brothers had for each of their wives. The same look your father gets when he looks at me."

"Nothing gets past you does it?" Letting out a sigh of defeat he gazed back at where Anya had been. "I do. At least...I think I do. I can't explain it...I never felt like this with Lori..."

Diane frowned, "Mark...I don't want you to get hurt again."

"Anya isn't like Lori."

"Does she like you back?" Her brows furrowed, folding her arms over her chest.

"I...I don't know. Maybe? I feel like she does but it's almost like she is fighting it. She always smiles around me, blushes when I pick at her or flirt." Mark never hid anything from his mother. They were really close.

"Mark..." she warned.

There was no arguing with the woman once her mind was made up. Mark pretended to scratch his back. "Hungry?"

"Starving. We brought chinese. You said you wanted some." Diane appreciated the change in subject.

Mark was honestly glad they came, he needed to figure out his game plan for when he returned home. He really didn't want to go back to that condo. "Come on, let's go find Dad." Mark began to lead the way, waiting on his mother to finally realize the most important thing.

"YOU ARE WALKING!" she exclaimed finally, making Mark chuckle.

"'Bout time you realized I have just been standing here. Even in shorts." Mark teased. "You can thank Anya." He threw back at her as he continued on.

The two made their way back inside to find his father. He was talking to Lisa and Eve. "Hey Pops." Mark called out to get his attention.

The older man turned, shocked to see his son upright and walking. Almost back to his former glory. Minus a leg. "Mark! Look at you!" he smiled proudly.

Together they had their dinner in the small eating area for the rehab unit. "So, I want to get rid of the condo. I can't live there after all this." Mark stated as they ate.

"But it's such a nice place." Ray started, but his wife gave him a death glare.

"I know, Dad. It's just too much to go back to. 4 years. Gone just like that." Mark rubbed his temple. "I know it sounds pathetic. Plus I can get a good price for it right now with the market the way it is." He had done some research lately, because he knew he wasn't going back there. "I will need some help packing...and I might have to stay with you guys until I can find a new place." The last thing he ever thought he would have to do was move back home at 26. Temporary or not. "If that's ok."

"Of course it's okay!" Diane huffed. "How could you even say such a thing! We will get everything packed up and put into storage for you as soon as possible. Your brothers will be more than enough help." Ray just nodded in agreement with his wife. He also knew better than to argue with the woman.

"Thanks...I will start contacting an agent to get it listed. I will be here for a few more days while everything is finished up with my rehab. OT still needs to clear me to drive again." Losing a leg was one thing, but he had lost his right one. That made things a little more tricky. He had to relearn how to drive again too.

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