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~*18+ Warning*~

Anya was pulled from her dreamy slumber by the smell of bacon and pancakes wafting through the thin layer of their tent. Stretching like a lazy cat, Anya wrapped her arms around her warm partner, waking him in the process. "Fooood..." she grumbled happily.

Mark lifted her tiny hand to his mouth and nibbled softly, eyes still closed. "Mmm I think I like the taste of the lower half." Mark turned and pushed Anya onto her back. Hovering above her, he gave a sexy smirk before kissing her softly.

"Uag you are so predictable with your innuendos." Anya rolled her eyes and wiggled out from underneath him.

"You know you love it." He remarked with a playful slap on her bare ass. Anya huffed and they both proceeded to dress quickly before joining his family around the already roaring breakfast fire. It seemed as if many were still struggling to make their way out of their respective tents after a long night of drinking and merriment. Mark was surprised they were both awake after their fun as well.

Uncle Ted held up a spatula, "Mornin' you two, sleep well?" Mark had mentioned to Anya that Ted refused to let anyone else do the cooking while he still walked this Earth. Both nodded sheepishly before taking two seats near him. "Hungry?"

Mark grabbed himself and Anya both hot mugs of fresh coffee, "I could eat a horse." Mark nodded and took a sip. Anya had grabbed a few bags of coffee from Serenity's shop a few days before they left as a gift to Mark's family. It really was some of the best he had ever had.

"Same!" Anya grinned happily as she nursed her coffee. It was a miracle she didn't have a hangover after the amount she had drank the night before. It wasn't everyday she did something like that.

"You sure can hold your liquor, little lady." Ted gave a belly laugh before handing them both two huge plates of food. Anya blinked in surprise, a little unsure if she could really eat that much. "Eat up you two. Today is the family hike." He held up his spatula and then proceeded to whip up more for others who were making their way around the fire.

A small sigh escaped Mark, and caught Anya's attention. "Are you worried about the hike?" Anya asked him before starting her breakfast. Dear Lord that was good, restaurant quality food. It was a surprise that he didn't do this for a living.

"Can't hide anything from you can I?" Mark gave a crooked smile before continuing, "Yea I am a bit nervous. I'm not going to go the whole distance. I have somewhere special I plan on showing you that is about halfway." He didn't want to let on too much, but it was a place he frequented every time the family gathered for a trip. It was even more special that he never even took Lori to the spot. Anya would be the first.

Giving him her perfect smile, Anya grabbed his hand, "One step at a time. If you need to turn back or take a break we will. It will be nice!"

Anya was right. As always. Mark took in a deep breath as he adjusted the small backpack he wore. It had been about an hour and they were both able to keep up with the family. Mark forewarned his brothers that he would be splitting off to go to his 'secret spot'. Even after all the years that had passed, Evan and Phil still had no clue where his 'secret spot' was. "It's just up this way a little more." Mark held her hand as they continued off a different path.

The sound of rushing water began to fill Anya's ears as they got closer. "Is that...a waterfall?" A gasp of amazement escaped her as she rushed ahead to see the small waterfall roaring over the small cliff. "Mark this is beautiful!"

Watching the ground to avoid missing a step on the rocking pathway, Mar followed her. "I found this spot when I was 6." He wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed the top of her head. "I had gotten lost because my head was in the clouds." He chuckled. "Luckily after my parents found me I memorized how to find it from the main path. Came here every year after." Grabbing her hand once more, Mark led her off another path that went up closer to the waterfall. "The real surprise is back here. I have never brought anyone else here before. Not even Lori."

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