A Leg to Stand On

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Anya stuck her tongue out, "Not from me, buddy I kick your ass, not wash it. Although I am sure I can ask Lisa or Eve to come bath you." she teased.

Letting out a shiver, Mark shook his head rapidly. That was the LAST thing he wanted. Anya pulled the curtain closed and gave him short instructions for the shower head before stepping out of the bathroom. Once she was gone, Mark turned on the shower as hot as it would go. It took him a few minutes to realize...he was still smiling. Anya was a firecracker. He knew the woman all of maybe 20 minutes but she made him feel motivated to do his best, but some of the dark thoughts still lingered. Pulling off the gown Mark allowed the water to wash over him. Oh yes. That did make you feel good again. He hadn't realized how disgusting he was until he finished scrubbing himself almost raw. After finishing he dried off the best of his ability. He was drained of most of his energy, and he still needed to dress.

Glancing around Mark grabbed a hold of the walls of the shower and used his foot to push the shower chair up to the sink. This was the first time looking at himself in the mirror, and he hardly recognized himself. The stubble he thought he had was a blooming beard. Something he never looked good with. Spying a razor, he made quick work of removing all of it before attempting to get dressed. It's just like standing on one leg. Mark told himself. He wanted to dress into at least a pair of boxers before he had help with his lower half. Not that he was shy. Luckily, he still had a good amount of arm strength to lift himself up and pull everything on. It took every last bit of energy he had to do so too.

"Mark?" A voice called out, "Are you doing okay?" Anya peeked her head in just as he pulled up his boxers, giving her a perfect shot of his still nice butt and a small amount of skin where his manhood rested. "AH! I'm sorry!" she removed her head, "I thought you would be covered! You got them on yourself?" Honestly she was surprised he had done so much with being as weak as he seemed from not eating or getting up out of bed enough. Why was she blushing so hard? It wasn't anything she didn't see on a regular basis, so why was it affecting her now? Maybe because she also got a good look at his now shaven face. He really was handsome underneath all that gruff.

Mark cleared his throat, he wasn't expecting her to peak in so suddenly. He was however proud that he was able to get semi dressed without calling for help. "You can come back in..." Pushing away from the counter he pat his face dry. Now he felt better.

Anya reentered the bathroom and Mark noted a hint of blush on her cheeks. So he affected her? The thought made him smile a bit "You got dressed on your own. That's awesome!" she smiled and helped him out of the bathroom. She wanted to help him finish, but the floor in the bathroom was wet. Big safety hazard, that she should advise him to be careful with next time so he didn't slip and crack his skull open.

"Well, the last thing I want help with is showering and dressing..." Mark said, a bit embarrassed.

"Understandable." Anya went to close the curtain to the windows that looked out to the hall near the nurses station. Luckily, all the nurses had gone back to their normal routine, but still gave side glances when they would pass by. Anya was a bit confused why they kept staring, and the weird smile on Lisa's face. "Your breakfast is here too." she motioned to the table. She had one of the aids go down to the employee cafeteria to get him something good to eat. Nothing motivated people better than a good meal.

Mark felt his stomach growl for the first time in days. He actually had a desire to eat today. "Hey...um..." Mark caught her by the wrist as she went to grab the pants he left in the bathroom. "I'm sorry for being rude..."

Anya blinked, a bit taken back by his apology. "Ah, forget about it...It happens. I mean...you went through some pretty brutal shit to lose that leg I'm sure." The warmth from his hand sent sparks through her. "You are allowed to feel the way you do." she continued, "But it's how you deal with it in the end; how you overcome it."

Mark shook his head, "That's not an excuse for treating you...and everyone else poorly for just trying to help."

"Everyone deals with pain and loss in different ways. No harm, no foul. I don't take things like that to heart. But thank you." Anya smiled softly at him. "Now. How about getting some pants on you. Unless you want to hang around in your undies all day?" She teased him.

Stretching a bit, Mark smirked, "You would like that, wouldn't you?" And that was when she was able to get a good look at the package he was sporting.

Dear God help her. She had helped many men her age before, so what was it about him that made her heat keep skipping like a 5 year old playing hopscotch. Swallowing she averted her eyes. "That is harassment!" she huffed trying to compose herself.

Wait a second...he was flirting with her. Why? He just had his heart ripped apart by Lori. What was wrong with him? Fuck that blushing look on her face was too cute to resist teasing. "Sorry, couldn't help it. I am usually a jokester." he shrugged.

"Hardy har har." Anya made a sour face and locked the wheels on his chair. "Come on, you can hold on to this while we get your pants on. Should be easy since they are sweatpants. Same as when you got everything else on." she instructed.

Mark was able to complete the task and Anya helped him over into a wheelchair before bringing him his breakfast. "Do you mind sitting with me awhile? Or do you have to go?" He asked.

"Nope, you are my only client. I was on vacation for the last week and a half, so all my patients are back home where they belong." Anya said with a hint of sadness. She had finally sent home a young boy she had been working with for the last 6 months. Sent him home...running. He cried, his parents cried, and she bawled. "I tend to take on a very small caseload so I can get to know my patients and work with them longer and get them home faster."

Taking a bite of bacon Mark watched her. "Sounds rough." he stated.

Shrugging a shoulder she shook her head, "It is what it is, but I am glad my patients all get to go home." Sitting on his bed she glanced out the window. "Your job sounds harder...A cop?"

Mark gave a bitter laugh, "Clearly...and I was good at my job...a junkie got the best of me. And an elderly woman." It pissed him off just thinking about it. Anya gasped. "I would give both legs if I could have saved her..." That was no lie. He wished he had been closer to stop the situation.

There was a long quiet silence, Mark wanted to keep eating but he felt the need to change the subject. "So...have you always lived in Chicago?"

"Uh huh, born and raised." Anya glanced back at him, "You?"

He nodded. Just then Margie came in and went over everything she needed to do to help get him ready for his prosthetic. Took measurements, and ideas of what exactly he wanted. Since he didn't have it yet and it would take time, Anya worked with him on things he could do without it. As well as working on getting his strength back with just basic exercises and weights. By the time the evening came, Mark was more exhausted than he had ever been in his entire life. Anya didn't allow him to rest for long in between activities. Seemed that she was not lying when it came to her approach in her treatments. Mark crashed, and hard. Got some of the best sleep too. 

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