Ghost of the Past, Life of the Future

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Several months later...

Mark glanced down at his phone at the many photos that were being posted on facebook while he waited outside of a cafe. Anya insisted on stopping to pee for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, but he also knew she would be coming out with something sweet. She was 36 weeks and all belly. The twins were growing more every day. They had just had their baby shower and Anya felt like going on a walk before tackling the chore of putting everything away in the nursery.

Mark smiled softly and a picture someone had snapped of them in a moment they thought they had alone. Hands on her belly and a soft kiss he placed on her forehead. In addition to having a shower, they had revealed that they were having both a boy and girl. The first couple months Anya still suffered strong bouts of morning sickness, but as time went on it got better.

Chuckling he continued to scroll through. Everyone had been creative with the gifts; some things a little more eccentric than others. He loved the glow on his wife's face. Part of him felt a little guilty for not giving her a big wedding, but she had insisted on a tiny ceremony with their immediate families. A backyard wedding, as she called it. Mark always wanted to give her the big moon, but her being the way she was, a tiny model was perfect in her eyes. He had to remind himself she was not Lori and didn't expect extravagance. Even though she deserved it. They had tied the knot when she was showing, and the flowy beach style dress she had picked just made her look ethereal.

Every night they laid in bed he would place his hands on her rounding belly and feel the little kicks. Kicks that told him his children were thriving and coming soon. It was surreal, but he did have moments of panic. A new chapter in his life was coming in just a couple weeks. If she went full term. Twins made that less likely. Anya already had a c-section scheduled. That scared Mark more than anything.

A chill ran up Mark's spine as he waited. Something felt very off, almost insidiously.

"Mark?" A husky voice called out behind him.

Fuck. Mark felt the world shift and move slowly as he turned. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. A million fucks. NO. Mark felt his blood boiling with each nanosecond that passed as he turned to face the woman who crushed him nearly 3 years ago.

"It is you." Lori said, with almost a sigh of relief. She glanced down at his prosthetic, but quickly went back to looking at him in the eyes. "I never thought I would find you again." There was something in her voice...regret? It was shaking a bit.

No words came from Mark, he just stared at her. Slowly he lowered his phone to slip it in his pocket, teeth gritting. What the fuck was going on here. Every idea he had ever run though his head if he ever saw her again disappeared in a split second. He opened his mouth, no words came out.

"I...I am back in Chicago. For good." She started, shifting her purse. Her hair was styled slightly different than it had been. It was in a reverse bob cut with bangs. Still sported the same business attire and stiletto heels. "I had gone to New York and...well I had my first big case as a partner. Politician hit someone with his car and caused a man to lose his leg." She swallowed. "I lost the case, the man got a huge sum...I have never lost a case." A step closer to Mark. "The politician was very powerful and it caused a lot of issues. I was fired."

Mark clenched his fist, his jaw working. Why the fuck was she telling him all this? Why the fuck should he care? He was a little smug about the case she had. Karma. "Why should I fucking care?" he finally ground out.

Lori's eyes teared up. "I made a huge mistake the day I left you. After I got to New York...I couldn't stop thinking about you." she continued to close the space between them. Lori was rambling. She never did that when they were together. "Our passion...our life." She glanced down, "I said horrible things to you."

Mark folded his arms over his chest, unsure of where this conversation was going. Why apologize after 3 years?

"When I got back, I went to the condo, hoping to fix this. But you sold it so quickly. And well...I'm not surprised you blocked me on everything."

"What the fuck is the point of all this, Lori. What do you want?" Mark said annoyed.

"I love you Mark!" Lori nearly shouted. "Please forgive me..."

Mark growled very low in his chest. He had never wanted to hit a woman so badly before. "Forgive you?" he chuckled in a low, very scary way then smiled. "You love me? Where were you when I went septic and nearly died? When I was going through rehab to learn how to walk again? Where the fuck were you when I was depressed in a hospital bed because my fiance of 4 fucking years left me because of an accident I couldn't have prevented. AN ACCIDENT FROM DOING MY FUCKING JOB! A JOB I CANNOT DO ANYMORE!" Mark yelled. People slowed down to see the commotion. "I'm just half a man!" he mocked.

Lori was stunned. Almost looked...ashamed. Even in the 4 years they had been together, Mark had never screamed at her.

Just then a soft hand touched Mark's shoulder. Anya had just come out of the cafe when she saw him talking to a beautiful woman. When she heard the name, it sent her into a white hot rage. But that was quickly replaced by the most intense pain she had ever felt, followed by a gush between her legs. She had just peed too. Uh oh.

Mark blinked and glanced down at his tiny wife. His tiny wife with a very large belly. "Anya? Are you okay?" He was concerned immediately with the scared look on her face. She had gone completely white.

Lori's gaze shifted to Anya. Then down to her pregnant stomach, catching a glimpse of the matching wedding bands they both sported. Anger snapped in her brown eyes. "Who is she?" Lori questioned, as if she needed to ask.

It took everything in Mark not to completely snap on the woman. Instead he ignored her. "Sweetheart?" Mark rested his hand on her belly and another on her cheek. She felt clammy.

"My water just broke." she whispered with a slight whimper. Mark felt her stomach tighten under his light touch. Her knees buckled slightly.

Mark's eyes widened and so did his smile. He should be panicking at this moment, she was in pain. "You're going into labor?"

She nodded. Glancing at Lori. She had been ready to go after this woman. Guess her kids were non confrontational. The contraction subsided and Anya wiped her tearing eyes. "Hi. I'm Anya Drummound. Mark's wife." She emphasized with a sweet smile, trying to pretend she didn't hear the entire thing. "My water just broke. Our twins are impatient like their daddy." she glanced up at Mark, proudly. "We should hurry. The car is already packed."

"Twins...and a wife." Lori ground.

"Yes. My wife." Mark took Anya by the hand and began to lead her away. "The woman who picked me up after losing a leg and made me whole after a heartless harpy left me." he said as if Lori were someone else.

The two walked together down the sidewalk without a second glance at that bitch.

Once at the hospital, despite her water breaking, Anya still ended up having a c-section. Mark remained by her side the entire time. The twins were small, but their cries showed just how strong they were. Mark held each of his babies while the doctors continued to close up Anya's incision.

"Welcome to the world...Alice...Jett...". Rock 'n' Roll names for his future metal heads. Mark felt at peace holding his children. He took turns holding each with Anya, who was also just as at peace.

"You completed me." Mark whispered, kissing her forehead. "And these two...I overflow." he smiled.

~*That's it ya'll!!!! A Diamond with Scars is complete   *Crying*

Thank you all so so so much for the continued love and support. You are all the reason I keep writing!!!! Onwards to the next romance story!!!*~

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