Famous Brew

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Before long everyone was gathered around a roaring bonfire, drinks in hand, burgers being distributed around the circle. Anya was laughing at a joke that one of Mark's cousins had made about how they used to play in the woods and came back covered in poison oak. The kids had long since made their way to play in the small creek near the camp. Mark snickered before whispering something to his Uncle. That was when the small mason jar began to be passed around.

Mark took a small sip, hissing slightly at the bite of it. He was already buzzed from the few beers he had shared with his brothers. "Here, baby." Mark handed the jar to Anya who was engulfed in a fun conversation with Mark's cousin Bailee about a middle school fade that had been popular many moons ago. Anya took the jar absentmindedly and took a rather large sip and gagged. "DEAR GOD!" Anya smacked her chest before handing it off to Bailee to regain her breath. "What on Earth?!" She turned to Mark with bewilderment in her blue eyes. "You tryin' to kill me?"

Mark, Ted, and Mark's father all burst into a fit of laughter at the women. "Small sips, babe. That is some potent moonshine." Mark rubbed his thumb over her wet lip. "That stuff will fuck you up big time."

Anya stared at him for a long moment, then laughed with him. "Such a jerk!" she playfully pushed at him. She wasn't mad at him in the least.

Mark threaded his hand behind her head and pulled her into a playful kiss. "I just wanna see you let loose a little more." Not that she wasn't, but he really wanted to see her let go and relax. Knowing full well that meeting someone's family could be very intimidating, a little of Ted's magic brew could loosen up even the tightest person.

After several passes of the shine, several more beers, and wine coolers, the entire family had gotten riled up. The sun had started to set, the kids were tuckered out and the adults were beginning to gain their energy. Bailee jumped up with several other of Mark's female cousins and other women.


Uncle Ted choked down his beer "Now, hold up there!" He stood, ripping his shirt off and running after his wife, "That has to last, woman!" Everyone knew he was teasing. The man never came to a family function without at least a few jars on hand.

Everyone was making their way to the creek, except Anya. She was heavily buzzed, but that came to an abrupt halt when she saw where everyone was going. "Oh no..." a small whisper came out.

Diane stood on the embankment with several other of the older women who didn't feel like getting wet. A big grin was on her face as she watched everyone having fun, but her smile quickly faded once she glanced back to see who the stragglers were. "Well, aren't you gonna join them?"

Mark looked over at Anya, sensing her panic. "You don't have to, baby." he reassured her in a low voice so anyone else wouldn't hear.

"COME ON YOU TWO!" Bailee squealed just before her brother dunked her under the water.

Anya bit her lip, and pondered for several long moments. "Fuck it." She steeled herself and pulled off her shirt and shorts. Her hair was up, which would leave nothing to be hidden from everyone around her. "Come with me." A small amount of hesitation still quivered in her voice as she held out her hand to Mark.

Nodding, Mark tossed his shirt over his chair and the two ran down to join the rest of the family.

Diane watched, feeling herself struck with confusion when she saw Anya's back as they passed by her. Mark had mentioned about Anya's accident but never in much detail. Only that it had happened. The scars were deep and jagged along her back. It made sense to her now why there had been some hesitation.

"I wonder what happened." Diane's sister asked in a hushed tone, taking notice herself.

"I have no clue..." Diane watched as the two dove into the water after Mark removed his prosthetic. Part of her still panged with sadness when she saw it, but she was so proud of how far he had come.

Thanks to Anya.

Mark splashed Anya and then pulled her into a loving kiss. No one had said anything about her back, or probably hadn't noticed. Most of the family was already intoxicated. "Having fun, baby girl?" Mark wrapped her legs around him, keeping her close.

Anya's smile was wide and her eyes glittered with excitement, "Absolutely!" she kissed him, almost like a thank you. Although, she felt like they were being watched. The two glanced over and saw Mark's mother looking down at them. "D...Did I upset her or something? She is frowning..." Anya looked down at the rushing water between them.

"No...I don't think so..." Mark was still looking up at his mom and mouthed 'What's wrong?' with a shrug of his shoulders to indicate his confusion.

Diane just shook her head, indicating it was nothing.

"Maybe I should just go talk to her...clear the air." Anya met his gaze.

He sighed, "Don't push yourself too much to please my family. She will come around."

"No...No, I should. We haven't had a chance to just sit and talk one on one." Anya separated herself from Mark, "I love you." she smiled before giving him a quick peck and made her way to the sandbank.

A few of the kids had deposited towels for everyone. Anya grabbed her favorite flamingo towel and made her way up to Diane.

"Having fun?" Diane asked as Anya came straight up to her.

Anya smiled and nodded, "I haven't had this much fun in a long time." She looked back at everyone still hooting and hollering. "But...I would actually really love to talk with you a bit." she gave a small smile to show she meant nothing hostile by the request.

The other women who were around shifted their way closer to the shore to give the two some privacy. Anya grabbed two chairs and faced them towards the creek. The two women sat down and embraced a small silence between them...well other than the family being loud. "I know things have been very stressful the past few months," Anya started, "and the relationship with Mark and I was very...controversial."

Diane gave her a slight glance and then returned it to the creek, wanting to give Anya time to say her piece.

"I love Mark." Anya said without hesitation. "What that woman did to him...what happened to him afterwards. It was something he never deserved." Anya turned her body to face Diane. "I will never hurt your son. I swear it. Mark is damn good man, he has never once made me question anything about him."

A smile and a nod came from Diane, "That's good to hear."

"I'm not asking you to love me right off the bat. I would never expect that, and you have been more than civil and respectful towards me. I really do appreciate it. I just want you to know that I am very serious about your son. I'm not Lori. I adore Mark for all he is, and I accept everything about him." Anya took a breath, "Just as he has accepted me...and my scars." Her hand went up to her shoulder where some scars showed.

"I saw them...and I saw your hesitation." Diane turned to face her, "You don't have to tell me what happened...but now I can see why you two are meant for each other." She didn't even pause before she pulled Anya into an embrace. "I think you are going to be an amazing part of this family." she shook slightly. "Mini adores you, my husband thinks you are amazing...the family has been saying nothing but nice things about you already."

Anya felt herself welling up inside from her words. "T-thank you..." she croaked.

"I'm sorry if I was hard on you at-"

"Do not apologize." Anya interrupted, "Your son was hurt beyond belief. It was only natural that you should have some reservations about a new woman so fast..." Anya looked over at Mark who was wrestling with his brothers in the water, "Especially such a handsome man." Anya giggled.

Diane laughed as well and the two women continued to talk as the sun continued to go down. Anya finally did tell Diane about her accident and where the scars had come from. Even about how she and Mark had met.

It was a wonderful start to their first vacation.

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