Jay Cartwright- Quiet (a)

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The Inbetweeners One Shot

For what was possibly the first time since being with Jay he was actually quiet, when he was around you and you alone Jay was a bit of a different person. Of course, he was still vulgar and still did little more than bullshit but it was all toned down and the real, genuine Jay came out. For you he was caring, sweet, calling him innocent might be a stretch but it was still a significant improvement. It had been two months now which had entailed countless dates and many a faux study session, but for somebody so adamant that they were always drowning in gash he had gone little further than holding hands. Even with you trying to hint towards doing more he always seemed to avoid it and change the subject.

You loosened your tie and leant back against the grass, school had just finished for the weekend and you and Jay had some nice plans to cover the next few days. The crisp sun fell down onto your face as Jay unpacked the makeshift picnic, he assembled at the convenience shop, mostly crisps and sweets.

"Are you looking forward to bowling?" Jay nodded eagerly as he emptied the last few packets of Wotsits from his bag.

"Yeah y/n, I can't wait. As long as it's something I get to do with you I'm only going to enjoy it. He rested his hand on yours and offered you a crisp, but there were three words which you were about to mention that sank your heart into your stomach.

"I'm okay, thanks. I'm in no rush to go anywhere, we'll get through it. Jay... I have a question for you."

With eyes filled to the brim with fear Jay looked up and wiped the crumbs from his shirt.

"A question?"

"Don't worry, you don't have to look so scared, it's nothing bad. We've been dating for a little over two months now..."

"Oh god." He interrupted. "I'm not ready for marriage, I love you, I really do but I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment yet." Butterflies did somersaults in your stomach and if anything, you felt a little hazy.

"You what?" Jay's mouth fell agape.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, I was going to say it tomorrow, but it must have fell out, oh shit."

"Jay... I love you too." With cheesy breath Jay slowly leant over and pressed his trembling lips over yours.


Written by Aaron.

Tumblr Request.

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