Anthony Bridgerton- Hair (c)

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Bridgerton One Shot

You never anticipated that you would find love, definitely not with a man of much higher status than yourself. It felt impossible that a viscount would ever love you, and sometimes you did doubt that, but he paid for your home and any needs you had only for your love in return. Deep down it did hurt you that he didn't want to share your love with the rest of the world, but you were grateful to still have his love behind closed doors.

Although Anthony paid for the house for you to live in, for you to live your life, he did frequently stay there so that you were able to spend time together due to never being able to do so anywhere else. Tonight, had been one of those nights. Anthony had headed to your home after darkness had set across the evening for the two of you to spend the night together as you did frequently. Within minutes of him entering the front door, the two of you had ended up in your bed, wordlessly expressing love and intimacy until you were both left sweaty and panting in each other's arms.

As it often did, conversation started from Anthony, discussing the stress he was under, now facing his sister and finding her a suitable husband. You had never met Daphne, and you doubted you ever would but as most of Anthony's current mental turmoil was due to her, you had heard more about her than you should know about a stranger. He rested his head against your bare chest as he continued to talk of his concerns and worries, not expecting any response. You knew not what to say anyway so you laced your fingers into his hair and brushed through his locks over and over again, hoping it would be calming.

He begun to push his head against your hand without thinking before turning to you, realising what you were doing. Anthony cocked an eyebrow at you.

"Your hair is really soft," you shrugged.

Anthony let out a sigh as he rolled his eyes at you. He leaned up to press a soft kiss to your lips. Without words, he moved his head back to where it had been pressed before his hands wandered to press into the skin of your hip, forcing you closer to him in the embrace. You continued to brush your fingers through his messed up hair, letting him continue to get all of his feelings off of his chest.


Written by Charlotte.

Tumblr Request.

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