Jade Wesker- Hoard: Part 1 (a)

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Resident Evil One Shot

With your pistol held close to your chest you slowly strolled through the city, extra vigilant not to make any unnecessary noise as you scavenged for supplies and equipment. The warm afternoon sun tickled your skin, and the soft breeze danced softly around you. You peered around the corner and down the alley that lined the back of the stores you had been sent to check out, but to your surprise not a single zero was in sight. The peace and quiet was nice, and a welcome change to the usual darting around the city to avoid all possible danger, but it did set a certain anxiety ticking in the back of your head. A few steps down the alley and all you could hear was the broken glass and gravel crunching under your feet, but a few steps more and suddenly a rampage of footsteps came sprinting towards the entrance to the alley. Immediately your heart began to race, you checked the safety of your pistol was not engaged and waited with prayers in mind, you poked your head out to catch a glimpse as they ran past, but immediately got knocked onto your back, you pushed the head of the zero away and aimed your pistol at its face. This zero, this woman had a shock and a fear in her eyes as she lay almost on top of you.

"Don't shoot... come on, get up, they're close... come on!" She pushed herself from you and dragged you up by the arm. "Run for fucks sake! We don't have time to be confused." She took off sprinting as the hoard of zero's ran forward like the pack of crazed fiends that they were. You followed her trail, there were far too many for you to take on even with a weapon. She was faster than you, but you could still outrun the hoard which for now, was enough. She turned a tight corner, then another until she found herself down a similar alley to which you started. "Come on, get in!" She yanked you through and boarded the entrance with a large board of ragged sheet metal. "Help me!" With a great combined effort you pushed a dense dumpster in front of the metal and began filling it with debris from the alley.

"Who are you?" You asked, she stared backwards with confusion. "No you're right, the questions can wait." She rolled her eyes and continued to throw thick chunks of smashed concrete. "Actually, I do have one question." You gazed backwards at the tall, thick brick walls that enclosed you. "How exactly are we going to get out of here?"


Written by Aaron.

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