Sebastian De Poitiers- Walk (c)

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Reign One Shot

It wasn't uncommon to be sent to live at a foreign court for months at a time, either for diplomacy or your mother's hopes you'd find a member of the royal family wanting to marry you before she settled upon an arranged marriage. For the past month you had been left to live at the French Court. It wasn't the worst place to stay, and everyone had been kind to you, even though you were well aware that most of them only did it due to wanting to keep face rather than out of the kindness of their heart.

In the time you had been there, you had become fond of Bash. He seemed to be the only one who was genuine with you, not trying to impress you in hopes that you would send back words of their kindness to your parents, the King and Queen of your country. You knew that your mother would be far from impressed if she knew you were feeling anything positive towards the bastard son of the French King, but you didn't care. You hoped he felt the same towards you, but even just having him as a friend was enough to make your time there happy.

You had made many excuses to get time to spend with him but feared outright asking him for his company. Today you were going to use a walk to justify your need to be near him.

Pulling on your long fur-lined shawl, you begun to head towards the nearest door outside, making sure he noticed you. He reached the door before you did, blocking your path outside of the palace.

"Where do you think you are going, Princess?" He questioned.

"I thought I would take a walk around the grounds. It may be cold, but they are still beautiful to see," you explained.

His brow furrowed. "You know they are not safe for a lady to walk alone."

You feigned shock and confusion, as though this was not something he had told you before.

"Do you suggest you be my escort?" You offered.

He shook his head, letting out a deep chuckle. "That is not what I am trying to suggest, I just do not wish for you to come to harm."

Moving a hand to rest upon your own chest, you smiled up to him, knowing you both wished to spend time together but without one of you taking the leap, you'd be forever stuck in this cycle of awkward encounters.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were tying to seduce me," you smiled playfully.

"And if I were?" He chuckled.

"I certainly could not deny you."


Written by Charlotte.

Tumblr Request.

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