Jason DiLaurentis- Happy Father's Day

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You had found out you were pregnant two weeks ago, but you hadn't told your boyfriend Jason yet. It wasn't that you didn't want to tell him, but today was Father's day so it was worth the wait, to tell him in a slightly better way than either just saying it or showing him the pregnancy test.

You went to the shops yesterday and picked up two Father's day cards, one that you sent to your own Father, and one to write to Jason. You spent too long thinking about what to write in the card before thinking of something simple and writing it into the card.

To Daddy

Happy Father's Day.

Love Mummy and Baby. Xx

You put the card into the envelope and wrote his name on the front, before leaving it on the inside doormat before going to bed, so Jason could find it when he woke up.

So in the morning, you were now sat at the dining table, waiting for Jason to return with the post. He came and sat down next to you taking a sip from his coffee, looking through the letters.

"Junk, junk, junk..." he trailed off as he got to the last envelope, seeing his name on it.

He raised an eyebrow at you clearly recognising your hand writing on it. You smiled sheepishly. He tore open the envelope pulling out the card, looking at you again still looking puzzled.

He opened the card, whilst you watched his facial expression as he scanned the words. His expression went from confused to shocked, before looking at you with a big grin on his face.

"Are you pregnant?" he asked with a smile.

"Happy Father's day," you smiled standing up resting your hands over your non-existent bump.

His eyes lit up even more, as he scrambled around the dining table to pull you into his arms. He gave you a tight hug putting his face into your neck kissing it softly. He pulled away after a moment still with a cheesy grin on his face. He leaned in a kissed you passionately, moving his hand from resting on your lower back, for it to be lightly pressed against your stomach.




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