Ben Wheeler- Sleep (h)

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  You pulled the sleeves of your hoodie down over your hands, in an attempt to keep the heat in. However, it probably wasn't the wisest decision to be out on the fire escape in only shorts and a hoodie.

You had been trying to sleep for a long time, but it didn't seem as if sleep was on your side that night. The rest of the apartment was asleep – even Emma, she hadn't woken all night.

It seemed as if the fire escape was the only way you could try to relax. You didn't want to risk waking anyone else and you knew that being out here, you wouldn't.

The apartment was more like your home, than the one you owned yourself. You lived with a roommate however they were rarely there, much like yourself. The apartment in which you were now, it had a more home-like feel and the atmosphere was never sad.

You and your boyfriend, Ben, were introduced to each other by Tucker. The two of you hit it of, almost instantly, and it was an added bonus that Emma loved you to pieces – a love, that you reciprocated.

You didn't realise that you were lost in your thoughts, not until two arms wrapped around your waist from behind "You will freeze out here Y/N" Ben whispered in your ear "I have a hoodie" you weakly defended yourself "Why are you out here? I woke up when I couldn't feel you next to me" he said resting his head on your shoulder.

"I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to risk waking anyone else, so I came out here" you explained and you felt Ben kiss your cheek "Come back inside Hun, I will make you some hot chocolate or something" Ben pulled you by your hand as he spoke.

You let him bring you inside from the fire escape; as soon as you were both stood in the kitchen, Ben pulled you into a loving embrace – with his head resting on top of yours and your head nestled in his chest.

"You could've woken me up Honey, I would've stayed awake until you fell asleep" Ben murmured into your hair "That was the point. I didn't want to wake anyone up" you said, repeating yourself from earlier "But I wouldn't have minded" Ben said and you looked up at him.

"I love you but I know not to mess with you and your sleep, therefore I do not wake you up unless it is a life or death situation" you started to speak and Ben had a smirk on his face "Me not being able to sleep, is not a life or death situation. Do I make myself clear?" you asked making your point.

Instead of answering you, Ben simply smirked before leaning closer to you and pressing his lips to yours.  


Written by Hannah

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