Chapter 8: Daylight Savior

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I shot up out of my nightmare breathing heavily. I then checked the clock that said 7:08 A.M. 6 hours of that realistic, terrifying nightmare I suffered through. I looked into the other room where I put Ruby, and she was sitting by the bookshelf, with a book in her lap. Good, she didn't kill anyone. I would take Ruby back home with me soon enough, but I couldn't;t risk it now. Especially after that nightmare, if something happened to my friends or family because of her...I wouldn't know what I'd do. I couldn't go to the police, they'll think I'm just a kid trying to pull a prank. The conversation played out in my head.

I walked back into the main room to find Carmen and Issac knocked out on the couch or beanbags. I chuckled at my past thoughts. I said I wouldn't know what to do if they died. yet here I am, leaving them alone with a creepy doll and no defense. I took this time to make a note saying that I'm going out, and I'll be back soon enough.

I first went back home to freshen up, then decided to make some breakfast. Halfway through the toast, I was making, I realized that there was no noise. Not a single peep came from the upstairs. I checked my sister's room to find she was still there, same with my parent's room too. I was glad they were still here, but I would probably be lashed out at because I never came back home. I was going to wake up my parents to let them know I'm back, but I was interrupted by the beeping from the fire alarm. I had burnt my toast. Yayyyyy.

I headed back outside to the fresh, crisp, soon to be autumn air. Autumn was my favorite season of the 4. It's something about it, maybe because it was the perfect mix of hot and cold? Whatever it was, I was just glad there would soon be 3 months of it. When I was younger, there was a time would be mad that I couldn't play with water balloons and stay up late every day. That September would come around soon enough, and next would come school.

This time, I'm glad I have school, it will take my mind off of...other things. Or maybe, that makes it worse. I won't have time to check on my murderous doll is going on a rampage cause I'm doing an SAT test. I giggled at the thought, then shuddered as I knew it may become a reality.

As I walked back into our hideout, I was greeted by two, smiling faces. Wait. Issac only smiles with all of his teeth when he's getting a picture taken around teachers or adults. Or...he's trying to get out of trouble.

I glared at him. "What did you do." "Whatever do you mean, Dee Dee~" My eyes shifted to Carmen. "What did he do." "Like he said Dakota, we've been sitting here all morning." I felt like a mother, like how my mom feels when me and Delilah fight over a broken plate, blaming the other.

I looked at the seemingly clean room and walked towards the closet door. I found Ruby tied up in there, with tape around her mouth and everything. If I was able to tell emotions correctly, she looked mad. I didn't blame her, if I was minding my own business and got kidnapped and shoved into a closet, I would have been the exact same.

"We thought it would be a good idea!" Issac said. "Yeah! A good idea straight to the graveyard, Carmen, you were in on this?!" By now, I have already untied Ruby and am now scolding Issac and Carmen. Usually, it would be Carmen scolding me and Issac, but now it was my turn to be the mother.

We argued for a while before hearing something.

It was Ruby.

She. Was. Talking.

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