part seven. (1023 words)

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tuesday, 1215pm.

eating together had become a daily thing for junhoe and yuju. sometimes, seokmin would join but mostly, it was just the two of them.

2-3 groupchat

mr. minho: guys, i'm on leave today so y'all have to join class 2-5 with ms. yuri for sports okay?

jeongin: ne!

seungmin: again? :(

hyunjin: neeeee!

mr. jisung: @yuna please tell the whole class later, thanks.

yuna: ne, will do!

yuna puts down her phone and sighs softly.

"what's up?"

"my class is combining with 2-5 for sports later in the afternoon..."

"oh. i can't pick you up today, i've got basketball training."

"exactly," yuna sighs again.

"chin up, bud. it won't be that bad," junhoe smiles at her.


part time girlfriend: should i just skip for today? i've never done it before anyway.

part time boyfriend: you love sports, go enjoy yourself and play with your classmates.

part time girlfriend: or... i could watch seokmin and you play basketball instead!

part time boyfriend: nope... we've got enough fans here already. go enjoy yourself! plus this is your chance, love.

part time girlfriend: i bet you 100% he ignores me today.

part time boyfriend: you pick me up from basketball training if you lose that bet, bye.

yuna drags her feet again towards the field and bumps into ms. yuri.

"aren't you from class 2-3?"

yuna nods.

"class is at the indoor court, we're sharing the hall with the basketball players today."

"oh really? ahh, let me help you with that!" yuna says excitedly as she helps the teacher push a cart of volleyballs.

they soon reach the court and saw everyone all seated in their group of friends. yuna sees jungkook with jaehyun at the very back and she scoots next to her classmates, glancing over a few times while listening to the teacher.

"okay, we'll be splitting into 6 groups of 8 for the volleyball basics part of the lesson first."

ms. yuri then proceeded to randomly put them into groups and by chance, yuna ends up in the same group and jungkook and jaehyun. yuna thought to herself that it may be a chance for her to get close to him again.

they started doing stretches in their own groups before starting the actual volleyball lesson. yuna would naturally stand closer to jungkook as they start doing simple passes to each other. since she loved physical activities, she was always hyper during sports. today, she just couldn't be, not in front of her ex-boyfriend.

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