33. Entering the Facility (2)

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Erebus felt his rage trembling inside of him as he examined all of the bodies. The torture they endured was horrendous. He was about to use a rune get rid of the bodies so they were not on display until he head a small sniffle.

Erebus moved to the sound and saw a small fae child huddled in the corner, trying to hide. Erebus knelt in front of him and felt his heart break for the child. His wings had been cut off and his back was bleeding.

"Child?" Erebus called out softly.

The childed winced and looked up are Erebus was immense fear. He curled up to try to make himself smaller, but bumped his back into the wall, causing him to cry out in pain.

Erebus gave him a concerned look. "I know I don't look trustworthy, but I am here to help." He tried to explain to the child.

But when the child didn't respond, he changed to the Spirit Realm language. "I'm friends with the Amarok Wolves. I came with Asle and that pup, Ove."

They small child stopped shaking and gave Erebus was surprised look. "You did?"

Erebus nodded and brought out some bandages. The boy let him wrap up his wounds while he sniffled. "Mister, they took my wings..." He started to cry heavily. "I haven't... learned... how to... fly yet."

Erebus gently pulled him into an embrace, and lifted him up. "They did something unforgivable."

He checked on the fae's crystal core and smiled. He was a strong fae with pure magic. He pushed mana around his legs and started to float in the air while holding the fae child.

"Look down." He said to the crying child.

The child looked down and saw Erebus floating. He gasped. "How are you doing this?"

"If your magic is strong enough, you can fly without wings."

"Do you think I will be able to fly like this?" The fae child still had tears falling down his face, but his eyes held a small light of hope.

Erebus chuckled. "You have such a strong and pure magic inside of you. If you learn how, you can fly better than I can. I am only human, but you are a fae, someone who belong to the skies. Nothing will stop you from soaring."

The small fae child wrapped his arms tightly around Erebus' neck and let out small cries. Erebus rubbed his back, carefully avoiding his wounds.

"I'm going to take you to some wolves to take you outside. Ove is waiting there." Erebus said.

"You're not going with me?" His voice sounded sad.

"I'm going to help those on the lower floors and then meet up with you." He looked around at the grotesque room. "Keep your eyes closed for me, until I tell you to open them."

He didn't argue and obediently closed his eyes. Erebus ran out of the room and back upstairs. He was relieved to see was wolf still down there. Erebus stopped in front of the wolf who saw the state of the fae and growled deeply.

"Ok. You can open your eyes now." Erebus said.

The opened them and turned to see the wolf. He gave the wolf a tearful smile. "Hi Bucca."

The wolf, Bucca let out a sad whine when he examined the small fae child, and licked the fae's face a little. Erebus lifted the fae and placed him on Bucca's back.

"Uncle!" The boy cried out when he saw that Erebus backed away.

Erebus stopped and laughed. "This body is a bit young to be called an uncle."

Return of the Demon Sovereign (Book 1) [Version Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now